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EP2C8T144I8N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP2C8T144I8N
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内容描述: Cyclone II器件手册,卷1 [Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑时钟
文件页数/大小: 470 页 / 5765 K
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PS Configuration  
PS Configuration Using a Download Cable  
In PS configuration, an intelligent host (e.g., a PC) can use a download  
cable to transfer data from a storage device to the Cyclone II device. You  
can use the Altera USB-Blaster universal serial bus (USB) port download  
cable, MasterBlaster™ serial/USB communications cable, ByteBlaster II  
parallel port download cable, or the ByteBlasterMV™ parallel port as a  
download cable.  
Upon power up, the Cyclone II device goes through POR, which lasts  
approximately 100 ms for non “A” devices. During POR, the device  
resets, holds nSTATUSlow, and tri-states all user I/O pins. Once the  
FPGA successfully exits POR, the nSTATUSpin is released and all user  
I/O pins continue to be tri-stated.  
The value of the weak pull-up resistors on the I/O pins that are on  
before and during configuration can be found in the Cyclone II Device  
The configuration cycle consists of three stages: reset, configuration, and  
initialization. While the nCONFIGor nSTATUSpins are low, the device is  
in reset. To initiate configuration in this scheme, the download cable  
generates a low-to-high transition on the nCONFIGpin.  
Make sure VCCINT and VCCIO for the banks where the  
configuration and JTAG pins reside are powered to the  
appropriate voltage levels in order to begin the configuration  
When nCONFIGtransitions high, the Cyclone II device comes out of reset  
and begins configuration. The Cyclone II device releases the open-drain  
nSTATUSpin, which is then pulled high by an external 10-kΩpull-up  
resistor. Once nSTATUStransitions high, the Cyclone II device is ready to  
receive configuration data. The programming hardware or download  
cable then transmits the configuration data one bit at a time to the  
device’s DATA0pin. The configuration data is clocked into the target  
device until CONF_DONEgoes high. The CONF_DONEpin must have an  
external 10-kΩpull-up resistor in order for the device to initialize.  
When using a download cable, you cannot use the Auto-restart  
configuration after error option. You must manually restart  
configuration in the Quartus II software when an error occurs.  
Additionally, you cannot use the Enable user-supplied start-up clock  
(CLKUSR) option when programming the FPGA using the Quartus II  
programmer and download cable. This option is disabled in the SOF.  
Therefore, if you turn on the CLKUSRoption, you do not need to provide  
a clock on CLKUSRwhen you are configuring the FPGA with the  
Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1  
Altera Corporation  
February 2007  