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EP2C8T144I8N 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: EP2C8T144I8N
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内容描述: Cyclone II器件手册,卷1 [Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1]
分类和应用: 现场可编程门阵列可编程逻辑时钟
文件页数/大小: 470 页 / 5765 K
 浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第375页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第376页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第377页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第378页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第380页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第381页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第382页浏览型号EP2C8T144I8N的Datasheet PDF文件第383页  
Configuring Cyclone II Devices  
The Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR) option can be  
turned on in the Quartus II software from the General tab of the Device  
& Pin Options dialog box. Supplying a clock on CLKUSRdoes not affect  
the configuration process. After all configuration data has been accepted  
and CONF_DONEgoes high, Cyclone II devices require 299 clock cycles to  
initialize properly and support a CLKUSRfMAX of 100 MHz.  
If the optional CLKUSRpin is being used and nCONFIGis pulled  
low to restart configuration during device initialization, you  
need to ensure that CLKUSRcontinues toggling during the time  
nSTATUSis low (maximum of 40 µs).  
An optional INIT_DONEpin signals the end of initialization and the start  
of user mode with a low-to-high transition. By default, the INIT_DONE  
output is disabled. You can enable the INIT_DONEoutput by turning on  
the Enable INIT_DONE output option in the Quartus II software. If you  
use the INIT_DONEpin, an external 10-kΩpull-up resistor pulls the pin  
high when nCONFIGis low and during the beginning of configuration.  
Once the optional bit to enable INIT_DONEis programmed into the  
device (during the first frame of configuration data), the INIT_DONEpin  
transitions low. When initialization is complete, the INIT_DONEpin is  
released and pulled high. The MAX II device must be able to detect this  
low-to-high transition, which signals the FPGA has entered user mode.  
If you want to use the INIT_DONEpin as a user I/O pin, you should wait  
for the maximum value of tCD2UM (see Table 13–7) after the CONF_DONE  
signal transitions high so to ensure the Cyclone II device has been  
initialized properly and is in user mode.  
Make sure the MAX II device does not drive the CONF_DONEsignal low  
during configuration, initialization, and before the device enters user  
User Mode  
When initialization is complete, the Cyclone II device enters user mode.  
In user mode, the user I/O pins no longer have pull-up resistors and  
function as assigned in your design.  
To ensure DCLKand DATA0are not left floating at the end of  
configuration, the MAX II device must drive them either high or low,  
which ever is convenient on your PCB. The Cyclone II device DATA0pin  
is not available as a user I/O pin after configuration.  
When the FPGA is in user mode, you can initiate a reconfiguration by  
transitioning the nCONFIGpin low-to-high. The nCONFIGpin must be  
low for at least 2 µs. When the nCONFIGtransitions low, the Cyclone II  
Altera Corporation  
February 2007  
Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1  