Chapter 9: Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in the Cyclone III Device Family
Configuration Features
When you enable compression, the Quartus II software generates configuration files
with compressed configuration data. This compressed file reduces the storage
requirements in the configuration device or flash memory and decreases the time
needed to send the bitstream to the Cyclone III device family. The time needed by a
Cyclone III device family to decompress a configuration file is less than the time
needed to send the configuration data to the device. There are two methods for
enabling compression for Cyclone III device family bitstreams in the Quartus II
Before design compilation (using the Compiler Settings menu).
After design compilation (use the Convert Programming Files dialog box).
To enable compression in the compiler settings of the project in the Quartus II
software, perform the following steps:
1. On the Assignments menu, click Device. The Settings dialog box appears.
2. Click Device and Pin Options. The Device and Pin Options dialog box appears.
3. Click the Configuration tab.
4. Turn on Generate compressed bitstreams (Figure 9–1).
5. Click OK.
6. In the Settings dialog box, click OK.
Figure 9–1. Enabling Compression for Cyclone III Device Family Bitstreams in Compiler Settings
To enable compression when creating programming files from the Convert
Programming Files window, follow these steps:
1. On the File menu, click Convert Programming Files.
Cyclone III Device Handbook
Volume 1
August 2012 Altera Corporation