Simulate the Design
You can simulate your design using the generated VHDL and Verilog
HDL IP functional simulation models.
Simulate the
For more information on IP functional simulation models, refer to the
Simulating Altera IP in Third-Party Simulation Tools chapter in Volume 3 of
the Quartus II Handbook.
Altera also provides a Verilog HDL demonstration testbench, including
scripts to compile and run the demonstration testbench using a variety of
simulators and models. This testbench demonstrates the typical behavior
of an 8B10B MegaCore function, and how to instantiate a model in a
design. The demonstration testbench does not perform any error
For a complete list of models or libraries required to simulate the 8B10B
Encoder/Decoder MegaCore function, refer to the _run_modelsim.tcl
scripts provided with the demonstration testbench.
IP Functional Simulation Model
To use the demonstration testbench with IP functional simulation models
in the ModelSim® simulator, follow these steps:
1. Start the ModelSim simulator.
2. From the ModelSim File menu, use Change Directory to change the
working directory to the directory where you created your 8B10B
Encoder/Decoder variation.
3. In the ModelSim Transcript window, execute the command
do<variation_name>_run_modelsim.tclwhich sets up the
required libraries, compiles the netlist files, and runs the testbench.
The ModelSim Transcript window displays messages from the
testbench reflecting the results of the simulation.
In all cases, the testbench is in Verilog HDL, therefore a license
to run mixed language simulations is required to run the
testbench with the VHDL model.
Altera recommends that you disable the auto-ROM replacement
feature in the Quartus II software. Enabling this feature
produces a smaller but slower MegaCore function.
MegaCore Version 7.2
Altera Corporation
October 2007
8B10B Encoder/Decoder MegaCore Function User Guide