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AK4646_11 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AK4646_11
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内容描述: 立体声编解码器与MIC / SPK- AMP [Stereo CODEC with MIC/SPK-AMP]
分类和应用: 解码器编解码器
文件页数/大小: 81 页 / 725 K
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Digital Programmable Filter Circuit  
(1) High Pass Filter (HPF)  
Normally, this HPF is used for a Wind-Noise Reduction Filter. This is composed with 2 steps of 1st order HPF. The  
coefficient of both HPF is the same and set by F1A13-0 bits and F1B13-0 bits. HPFAD bit controls ON/OFF of the 1st  
step HPF and HPF bit controls ON/OFF of the 2nd step HPF. When the HPF is OFF, the audio data passes this block by  
0dB gain. The coefficient should be set when HPFAD=HPF bits = “0” or PMADL=PMADR= PMDAC bits = “0”.  
fs: Sampling frequency  
fc: Cut-off frequency  
Register setting (Note 36)  
HPF: F1A[13:0] bits =A, F1B[13:0] bits =B  
(MSB=F1A13, F1B13; LSB=F1A0, F1B0)  
1 / tan (πfc/fs)  
1 1 / tan (πfc/fs)  
1 + 1 / tan (πfc/fs)  
A =  
B =  
1 + 1 / tan (πfc/fs)  
Transfer function  
1 z −  
H(z) = A  
1 + Bz −  
The cut-off frequency should be set as below.  
fc/fs 0.0001 (fc min = 4.41Hz at 44.1kHz)  
(2) Low Pass Filter (LPF)  
This is composed with 1st order LPF. F2A13-0 bits and F2B13-0 bits set the coefficient of LPF. LPF bit controls ON/OFF  
of the LPF. When the LPF is OFF, the audio data passes this block by 0dB gain. The coefficient should be set when LPF  
bit = “0” or PMADL=PMADR=PMDAL=PMDAR bits = “0”.  
fs: Sampling frequency  
fc: Cut-off frequency  
Register setting (Note 36)  
LPF: F2A[13:0] bits =A, F2B[13:0] bits =B  
(MSB=F2A13, F1B13; LSB=F2A0, F2B0)  
1 1 / tan (πfc/fs)  
1 + 1 / tan (πfc/fs)  
A =  
B =  
1 + 1 / tan (πfc/fs)  
Transfer function  
1 + z −  
H(z) = A  
1 + Bz −  
The cut-off frequency should be set as below.  
fc/fs 0.05 (fc min = 2205Hz at 44.1kHz)  
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