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AD7705 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AD7705
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内容描述: 3 V / 5 V , 1毫瓦2- / 3通道16位Σ-Δ型ADC [3 V/5 V, 1 mW 2-/3-Channel 16-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADCs]
文件页数/大小: 32 页 / 266 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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Table XIV. External R, C Combination for No 16-Bit Gain  
Error (Unbuffered Mode Only)  
Analog Input Ranges  
The AD7705 contains two differential analog input pairs  
AIN1(+), AIN1(–) and AIN2(+), AIN2(–). These input pairs  
provide programmable-gain, differential input channels that  
can handle either unipolar or bipolar input signals. It should be  
noted that the bipolar input signals are referenced to the re-  
spective AIN(–) input of each input pair. The AD7706 contains  
three pseudo differential analog input pairs AIN1, AIN2 and  
AIN3, which are referenced to the COMMON input on the part.  
External Capacitance (pF)  
14.6 k8.2 k2.2 kΩ  
7.2 k4 k1.12 kΩ  
3.4 k1.94 k540 Ω  
1.58 880 240 Ω  
368 kΩ  
90.6 k54.2 kΩ  
177.2 k44.2 k26.4 kΩ  
82.8 k21.2 k12.6 kΩ  
9.6 k5.8 kΩ  
8–128 35.2 kΩ  
In buffered mode, the analog inputs look into the high-impedance  
inputs stage of the on-chip buffer amplifier. CSAMP is charged  
via this buffer amplifier such that source impedances do not  
affect the charging of CSAMP. This buffer amplifier has an offset  
leakage current of 1 nA. In this buffered mode, large source  
impedances result in a small dc offset voltage developed across  
the source impedance, but not in a gain error.  
In unbuffered mode, the common-mode range of the input is  
from GND to VDD, provided that the absolute value of the  
analog input voltage lies between GND – 30 mV and VDD  
+ 30 mV. This means that in unbuffered mode the part can  
handle both unipolar and bipolar input ranges for all gains.  
Absolute voltages of GND – 200 mV can be accommodated on  
the analog inputs at 25°C without degradation in performance,  
but leakage current increases appreciably with increasing tem-  
perature. In buffered mode, the analog inputs can handle  
much larger source impedances, but the absolute input voltage  
range is restricted to between GND + 50 mV to VDD – 1.5 V  
which also places restrictions on the common-mode range. This  
means that in buffered mode there are some restrictions on the  
allowable gains for bipolar input ranges. Care must be taken in  
setting up the common-mode voltage and input voltage range  
so that the above limits are not exceeded, otherwise there will  
be a degradation in linearity performance.  
Input Sample Rate  
The modulator sample frequency for the AD7705/AD7706  
remains at fCLKIN/128 (19.2 kHz @ fCLKIN = 2.4576 MHz) re-  
gardless of the selected gain. However, gains greater than 1 are  
achieved by a combination of multiple input samples per modu-  
lator cycle and a scaling of the ratio of reference capacitor to  
input capacitor. As a result of the multiple sampling, the input  
sample rate of the device varies with the selected gain (see Table  
XV). In buffered mode, the input is buffered before the input  
sampling capacitor. In unbuffered mode, where the analog  
input looks directly into the sampling capacitor, the effective  
input impedance is 1/CSAMP × fS where CSAMP is the input sam-  
pling capacitance and fS is the input sample rate.  
In unbuffered mode, the analog inputs look directly into the  
7 pF input sampling capacitor, CSAMP. The dc input leakage  
current in this unbuffered mode is 1 nA maximum. As a result,  
the analog inputs see a dynamic load that is switched at the  
input sample rate (see Figure 11). This sample rate depends on  
master clock frequency and selected gain. CSAMP is charged to  
AIN(+) and discharged to AIN(–) every input sample cycle.  
The effective on-resistance of the switch, RSW, is typically 7 k.  
Table XV. Input Sampling Frequency vs. Gain  
Input Sampling Frequency (fS)  
fCLKIN/64 (38.4 kHz @ fCLKIN = 2.4576 MHz)  
2 × fCLKIN/64 (76.8 kHz @ fCLKIN = 2.4576 MHz)  
4 × fCLKIN/64 (76.8 kHz @ fCLKIN = 2.4576 MHz)  
8 × fCLKIN/64 (307.2 kHz @ fCLKIN = 2.4576 MHz)  
SAMP must be charged through RSW and through any external  
source impedances every input sample cycle. Therefore, in  
unbuffered mode, source impedances mean a longer charge time  
for CSAMP and this may result in gain errors on the part. Table  
XIV shows the allowable external resistance/capacitance values,  
for unbuffered mode, such that no gain error to the 16-bit level  
is introduced on the part. Note that these capacitances are  
total capacitances on the analog input, external capacitance  
plus 10 pF capacitance from the pins and lead frame of the device.  
Bipolar/Unipolar Inputs  
The analog inputs on the AD7705/AD7706 can accept either  
unipolar or bipolar input voltage ranges. Bipolar input ranges do  
not imply that the part can handle negative voltages on its analog  
input, since the analog input cannot go more negative than  
–30 mV to ensure correct operation of these parts. The input  
channels are fully differential. As a result, on the AD7705, the  
voltage to which the unipolar and bipolar signals on the AIN(+)  
input are referenced is the voltage on the respective AIN(–)  
input. On the AD7706, the voltages applied to the analog input  
channels are referenced to the COMMON input. For example, if  
AIN1(–) is +2.5 V and the AD7705 is configured for unipolar  
operation with a gain of 2 and a VREF of +2.5 V, the input voltage  
range on the AIN1(+) input is +2.5 V to +3.75 V. If AIN1(–) is  
+2.5 V and the AD7705 is configured for bipolar mode with a  
gain of 2 and a VREF of +2.5 V, the analog input range on the  
AIN1(+) input is +1.25 V to +3.75 V (i.e., 2.5 V ± 1.25 V). If  
AIN1(–) is at GND, the part cannot be configured for bipolar  
ranges in excess of ±30 mV.  
Figure 11. Unbuffered Analog Input Structure  
REV. A  