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5962-8951801RA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-8951801RA
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [High Speed, µP-Compatible, CMOS, 8-Bit Sampling ADC]
分类和应用: 转换器
文件页数/大小: 16 页 / 290 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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As a result, the analog input (VIN) of the device can easily be set  
up to provide both unipolar and bipolar operation. The data  
output code for unipolar and bipolar operation is Natural Binary  
and Offset Binary, respectively.  
The AD7821 uses a half flash conversion technique (see Func-  
tional Block Diagram), whereby two 4-bit flash ADCs are used to  
achieve an 8-bit result. Each 4-bit flash ADC contains 15  
comparators, which compare an unknown input voltage to the  
reference ladder, to achieve a 4-bit result. The MS (most signifi-  
cant) flash ADC converts an unknown analog input voltage (VIN)  
to provide the 4 MS data bits. An internal DAC, driven by the 4 MS  
data bits, then recreates an analog approximation of the input  
voltage. The DAC output voltage is subtracted from the analog  
input, and the difference is converted by the LS (least significant)  
ADC to provide the 4 LS data bits. The MS flash ADC also has one  
additional comparator to detect over-range on the analog input.  
The span of the analog input voltage can easily be varied. By  
reducing the reference span, VREF(+) – VREF(–), to less than 5 V,  
the sensitivity of the converter can be increased (i.e., if VREF = 2 V  
then 1 LSB = 7.8 mV). The reference flexibility also allows the  
input span for unipolar operation to be offset from zero (VREF(–) >  
GND). Additionally, the input/reference arrangement facilitates  
ratiometric operation.  
Figures 4 and 5 show some configurations that are possible. For  
minimum noise, a 47 µF capacitor in parallel with a 0.1 µF ca-  
pacitor should be connected between the reference inputs and  
The AD7821 has two operating modes. The RD mode allows a con-  
version to be started and data to be read with a single, extended,  
READ operation (i.e., CS and RD are taken low). The conversion  
process is timed out by internal one-shots. The WR-RD mode uses  
WR to start a conversion and RD to read the data and allows the  
conversion timing to be externally controlled. The operating sequence  
for the WR-RD mode is shown in Figure 3.  
Figure 4. Power Supply as Reference;  
Unipolar Operation (0 to + 5 V)  
Figure 3. Operating Sequence (WR-RD Mode)  
A conversion is initiated and the analog input signal (VIN) sampled  
on the falling edge of WR (falling edge of RD, RD mode). A setup  
time (tP, delay time between conversions) of 350 ns is required  
prior to this falling edge. See the Digital Interface section for more  
details. When WR is low, the internal MS (most significant) ADC  
compares the sampled analog input with the reference ladder to  
provide the 4 MS data bits. A minimum of 250 ns is required for  
this comparison. On the rising edge of WR, the MS data result is  
latched internally and the LS (least significant) conversion begins,  
to yield the 4 LS data bits. INT goes low typically 380 ns after the  
rising edge of WR. This indicates the LS conversion is complete  
and that both the LS and MS data results are latched into the  
output buffer. RD going low then enables the output data. If a  
faster conversion time is required, the RD line can be brought low  
250 ns after WR goes high. This latches both the LS and MS  
data bits and outputs the conversion result on DB0–DB7.  
Figure 5. External Reference;  
Bipolar Operation (–2.5 V to +2.5 V)  
The analog input of the AD7821 behaves somewhat differently  
than conventional ADCs. This is due to the ADC’s sampled  
data comparators, which take varying amounts of input current  
depending on the cycle of the converter.  
The VREF(–) and VREF(+) reference inputs on the AD7821 are  
fully differential and define the zero and full-scale input range of  
the ADC. The transfer characteristic of the part is defined by  
the integer value of the following expression:  
The equivalent input circuit of the AD7821 is shown in Figure 6.  
When a conversion ends (e.g., falling edge of INT, WR-RD  
mode, tRD > tINTL) all the input switches are closed and VIN is  
connected to the comparators of the internal LS and MS ADCs.  
Therefore, VIN is simultaneously connected to 31 input capacitors  
of 1 pF each.  
REF (+)VREF ()  
Data (LSBs) = 256  
+ 0.5  
REV. B  