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5962-8871902MXA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-8871902MXA
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 单片12位四路DAC [Monolithic 12-Bit Quad DAC]
分类和应用: 转换器数模转换器信息通信管理
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 671 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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Table I. Transfer Functions  
Mode = UNI  
Mode = BIP  
000000000000 = 0 V  
Gain = 1 100000000000 = VREF/2  
111111111111 = VREF – 1 LSB  
000000000000 = – VREF/2  
100000000000 = 0 V  
111111111111 = VREF/2 –1 LSB  
000000000000 = 0 V  
Gain = 2 100000000000 = VREF  
111111111111 = 2 × VREF – 1 LSB  
000000000000 = VREF  
100000000000 = 0 V  
111111111111 = +VREF – 1 LSB  
UNIPOLAR OFFSET ERROR: Unipolar offset error is the dif-  
ference between the ideal output (0 V) and the actual output of  
a DAC when the input is loaded with all “0s” and the MODE is  
LINEARITY ERROR: Analog Devices defines linearity error as  
the maximum deviation of the actual, adjusted DAC output  
from the ideal analog output (a straight line drawn from 0 to FS  
– 1 LSB) for any bit combination. This is also referred to as  
relative accuracy. The AD664 is laser-trimmed to typically  
maintain linearity errors at less than ±1/4 LSB.  
BIPOLAR ZERO ERROR: Bipolar zero error is the difference  
between the ideal output (0 V) and the actual output of a DAC  
when the input code is loaded with the MSB = “1” and the rest  
of the bits = “0” and the MODE is bipolar.  
MONOTONICITY: A DAC is said to be monotonic if the out-  
put either increases or remains constant for increasing digital  
inputs such that the output will always be a nondecreasing func-  
tion of input. All versions of the AD664 are monotonic over  
their full operating temperature range.  
SETTLING TIME: Settling time is the time required for the  
output to reach and remain within a specified error band about  
its final value, measured from the digital input transition.  
CROSSTALK: Crosstalk is the change in an output caused by  
a change in one or more of the other outputs. It is due to  
capacitive and thermal coupling between outputs.  
DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY: Monotonic behavior requires  
that the differential linearity error be less than 1 LSB both at  
25°C as well as over the temperature range of interest. Differen-  
tial nonlinearity is the measure of the variation in analog value,  
normalized to full scale, associated with a 1 LSB change in digi-  
tal input code. For example, for a 10 V full-scale output, a  
change of 1 LSB in digital input code should result in a  
2.44 mV change in the analog output (VREF = 10 V, Gain = 1,  
1 LSB = 10 V × 1/4096 = 2.44 mV). If in actual use, however, a  
1 LSB change in the input code results in a change of only  
0.61 mV (1/4 LSB) in analog output, the differential non-  
linearity error would be –1.83 mV, or –3/4 LSB.  
REFERENCE FEEDTHROUGH: The portion of an ac refer-  
ence signal that appears at an output when all input bits are low.  
Feedthrough is due to capacitive coupling between the reference  
input and the output. It is specified in decibels at a particular  
REFERENCE 3 dB BANDWIDTH: The frequency of the ac  
reference input signal at which the amplitude of the full-scale  
output response falls 3 dB from the ideal response.  
GLITCH IMPULSE: Glitch impulse is an undesired output  
voltage transient caused by asymmetrical switching times in the  
switches of a DAC. These transients are specified by their net  
area (in nV-sec) of the voltage vs. time characteristic.  
GAIN ERROR: DAC gain error is a measure of the difference  
between the output span of an ideal DAC and an actual device.  
28-Pin DIP Package  
44-Pin Package  