G.3 REQUIREMENTS. The requirements of the microcircuits are classified in the generic qualification flow
diagram (see figure G-1).
G.3.1 QM program. A quality management program shall be developed and implemented by the manufacturer
and documented in the QM plan (see G.3.3 herein). Also, the manufacturer shall have a self-assessment program
with an evaluation system similar to that posed by the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, and the results of
this assessment shall be made available for review. The manufacturer is encouraged to apply for the Malcolm
Baldridge National Quality Award within 5 years of initial request for QML status.
G.3.2 Manufacturer's review system. The manufacturer’s review system, known as the TRB, is responsible for
development of the QM plan, maintenance of all certified and qualified processes, process change control (see
3.3.4), reliability data analysis, failure analysis, corrective actions, QML microcircuit recall procedures, and
qualification status of the technology.
G.3.2.1 Organizational structure. The manufacturer's TRB should insure communication is established and
maintained among representatives from device design, technology development, wafer fabrication, assembly, testing,
quality assurance and third party organizations. Records of the TRB deliberations and decisions should be
maintained. These records shall be made available to the qualifying activity (QA). The manufacturer shall submit the
name(s) and telephone numbers of their TRB systems' contact person(s) to the QA.
G.3.2.2 TRB duties. The TRB shall keep the QA updated on the status of QML technology and products. The
TRB should have a methodology in place for assessing the current status of the quality and reliability of its
microcircuits by review of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) procedures and QM status of the manufacturer's
process technology, reliability test data (e.g., parametric monitor (PM), Technology Characterization Vehicle (TCV),
Standard Evaluation Circuit (SEC) and device), and the Failure Analysis (FA) results of burn-in/screening failures and
board/assembly failures and field returns, as applicable. A method or procedure to verify correlation between test
structures and actual product should be approved by the TRB. The TRB shall maintain records, available for QA
review, of conditions found and the action taken. The TRB is required to report periodically to the QA on the status of
the QML technology and products (see G.3.2.3 herein). The TRB should also address the impact of key
managerial/TRB personnel changes and business plans in order to evaluate any impact they may have on the QML
When the reliability data indicates corrective action is required, the TRB should determine and implement the
appropriate action in a timely manner. The SEC and TCV (see G.3.3f herein) data are to be used as a tool for
monitoring the quality and reliability of the manufacturer's line and do not automatically disqualify a manufacturer
when trends or limits require corrective action.
When reliability of shipped microcircuits is called into question, the TRB should provide evaluation and corrective
action and prompt notification to the QA to preserve the manufacturer's qualified status and assure that defective
product is not shipped.