A.4.3.7 Manufacturer imposed tests. Any manufacturer imposed test(s) (e.g., gross and fine leak) which exceed
the minimum class level B requirements herein shall be documented on the manufacturer’s process baseline. If any
manufacturer imposed test(s) detects a problem, the manufacturer shall submit all devices in the lot to those tests to
eliminate rejects and shall take steps to determine and eliminate the cause of failure (e.g., rough handling which has
produced gross leaks).
A.4.4 Qualification procedures.
A.4.4.1 General. The manufacturer shall perform sufficient qualification inspection to assure that the devices
supplied to this appendix meet the minimum class level B or S performance requirements as defined herein.
Qualification to a given quality assurance level qualifies the product for all lower quality assurance levels provided the
product for all levels is manufactured on the same line and meets all the requirements of the lower level.
A.4.4.2 Qualification. A manufacturer shall qualify individual devices by subjecting them to, or assuring that, they
satisfy all the groups A, B, C, and D (and E if applicable) requirements as specified herein or TM 5005 or TM 5010,
as applicable of MIL-STD-883 for the specified device class and type of microcircuits. A. through A.
herein should be used as guidelines.
A. Inspection routine. Except where the use of electrical rejects is allowed, all microcircuits subjected to
groups B, C, and D (and E if applicable) tests shall have previously been subjected to and passed all tests of group A
inspection specified as end-point electrical parameters. The microcircuits should then be divided into the subgroups
for groups B, C, and D (and E if applicable) inspection. When necessary to meet subsequent sample requirements,
all failures found in the course of group A inspection shall be replaced by microcircuits which have passed group A
tests prior to subjection to group B, C, or D (and E if applicable) tests. All tests shall be applied to and all acceptance
criteria referenced to the entire lot or sublot as applicable, not to an arbitrary quantity of devices tested.
A. Sample. The number of microcircuits to be tested shall be chosen (independent of lot size) by the
manufacturer and should be adequate to demonstrate conformance to the inspection criteria for each subgroup of
groups A, B, C, and D (and E if applicable) inspection. All qualification test samples for subgroups which require
variables data should be serialized prior to qualification tests.
A. Group A electrical testing. The parameters, conditions of test, and limits for group A testing shall be as
specified in Table III herein or test method 5005 of MIL-STD-883 and the applicable device specification or drawing.
Group A testing may be performed in any order. If an inspection lot is made up of a collection of splits or class level
S inspection sublot, each split or class level S inspection sublot should pass group A inspection as specified.
A. Group B testing. Group B tests should be as specified in Table II herein or TM 5005 of MIL-STD-883.
A. Groups C and D testing. Groups C and D tests shall be as specified in Table IV and Table V herein or
TM 5005 of MIL-STD-883.
A. Group E testing. Group E tests shall be conducted as specified in Table C-I herein or TM 5005 of
MIL-STD-883. Group E is required for initial qualification and after process or design changes that may affect
radiation hardness (see A.3.4.2). Qualification for RHA shall be for a specific microcircuit die and package type,
except as authorized by the qualifying activity. Microcircuits which pass the quality assurance and RHA requirements
to a higher reliability or RHA level shall be acceptable to a lower level or as non-RHA parts if all other applicable
requirements and pre- and post irradiation electrical parametric and timing limits are met.