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CY325 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CY325
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 步进系统控制器 [Stepper System Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 107 页 / 1095 K
品牌: ETC [ ETC ]
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CY545 Stepper System Controller
LED Display Details
The address parameter is the display address used to write the data and control information.
For example, 30H is the address for the HP control register. The count parameter is the number
of data bytes to write, starting at the specified address. If the count is zero, nothing is written,
but the internal display address is changed to the specified first parameter value. When the
count is non-zero, the following bytes are written to the display, with the count determining how
many bytes are written.
One address is treated specially by this command, address 30H, for the control register. If
address 30H is followed by a zero data count, the CY545 default control value will be selected.
Otherwise, the value of D1 will become the new control register value, and can be used to
change the display intensity or turn on the blinking feature.
For more information about the HP display and CY545 support, see a later section on Display
Support and the HDSP-211x data sheets (available from Hewlett Packard).
Also note that the HP display is limited to 8 characters, so the Query output format automatically
changes when the HP display is selected, and the Position or Number parameter values are
queried. In these cases, only the 8 digit value is shown, not the parameter letter and equal sign.
For example, instead of showing:
as it would for a normal serial or parallel display, the CY545 simply shows:
when the ? N or ? P commands are issued for the HP display.
© 2002 Cybernetic Micro Systems
Chapter 10 - Miscellaneous Commands