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PIC16F877T-20PQ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16F877T-20PQ
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 8位微控制器\n [8-Bit Microcontroller ]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 200 页 / 3338 K
品牌: ETC [ ETC ]
 浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第49页浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第50页浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第51页浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第52页浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第54页浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第55页浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第56页浏览型号PIC16F877T-20PQ的Datasheet PDF文件第57页  
Timer1 Operation in Asynchronous  
Counter Mode  
TABLE 6-1:  
If control bit T1SYNC (T1CON<2>) is set, the external  
clock input is not synchronized. The timer continues to  
increment asynchronous to the internal phase clocks.  
The timer will continue to run during SLEEP and can  
generate an interrupt on overflow, which will wake-up  
the processor. However, special precautions in soft-  
ware are needed to read/write the timer (Section 6.4.1).  
Osc Type  
32 kHz  
100 kHz  
200 kHz  
33 pF  
15 pF  
15 pF  
33 pF  
15 pF  
15 pF  
These values are for design guidance only.  
Crystals Tested:  
32.768 kHz Epson C-001R32.768K-A ± 20 PPM  
In asynchronous counter mode, Timer1 can not be used  
as a time-base for capture or compare operations.  
100 kHz  
200 kHz  
Epson C-2 100.00 KC-P  
STD XTL 200.000 kHz  
± 20 PPM  
± 20 PPM  
Note 1: Higher capacitance increases the stability of  
oscillator but also increases the start-up time.  
2: Since each resonator/crystal has its own charac-  
teristics, the user should consult the resonator/  
crystal manufacturer for appropriate values of  
external components.  
Reading TMR1H or TMR1L while the timer is running  
from an external asynchronous clock will guarantee a  
valid read (taken care of in hardware). However, the  
user should keep in mind that reading the 16-bit timer  
in two 8-bit values itself poses certain problems, since  
the timer may overflow between the reads.  
Resetting Timer1 using a CCP Trigger  
For writes, it is recommended that the user simply stop  
the timer and write the desired values. A write conten-  
tion may occur by writing to the timer registers, while  
the register is incrementing. This may produce an  
unpredictable value in the timer register.  
If the CCP1 or CCP2 module is configured in compare  
mode to generate “special event trigger”  
(CCP1M3:CCP1M0 = 1011), this signal will reset  
Reading the 16-bit value requires some care. Examples  
12-2 and 12-3 in the PICmicro™ Mid-Range MCU Fam-  
ily Reference Manual (DS33023) show how to read and  
write Timer1 when it is running in asynchronous mode.  
Note: The special event triggers from the CCP1  
and CCP2 modules will not set interrupt  
flag bit TMR1IF (PIR1<0>).  
Timer1 must be configured for either timer or synchro-  
nized counter mode to take advantage of this feature. If  
Timer1 is running in asynchronous counter mode, this  
reset operation may not work.  
Timer1 Oscillator  
A crystal oscillator circuit is built-in between pins T1OSI  
(input) and T1OSO (amplifier output). It is enabled by  
setting control bit T1OSCEN (T1CON<3>). The oscilla-  
tor is a low power oscillator rated up to 200 kHz. It will  
continue to run during SLEEP. It is primarily intended  
for use with a 32 kHz crystal. Table 6-1 shows the  
capacitor selection for the Timer1 oscillator.  
In the event that a write to Timer1 coincides with a spe-  
cial event trigger from CCP1 or CCP2, the write will  
take precedence.  
In this mode of operation, the CCPRxH:CCPRxL regis-  
ter pair effectively becomes the period register for  
The Timer1 oscillator is identical to the LP oscillator.  
The user must provide a software time delay to ensure  
proper oscillator start-up.  
Resetting of Timer1 Register Pair  
(TMR1H, TMR1L)  
TMR1H and TMR1L registers are not reset to 00h on a  
POR or any other reset except by the CCP1 and CCP2  
special event triggers.  
T1CON register is reset to 00h on a Power-on Reset or  
a Brown-out Reset, which shuts off the timer and  
leaves a 1:1 prescale. In all other resets, the register is  
Timer1 Prescaler  
The prescaler counter is cleared on writes to the  
TMR1H or TMR1L registers.  
1999 Microchip Technology Inc.  
DS30292B-page 53  