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MIL-STD-202G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MIL-STD-202G
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内容描述: 2A EMI滤波模块 [2A EMI Filter Module]
文件页数/大小: 10 页 / 236 K
品牌: ETC [ ETC ]
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EMI Filter FGDS-2A-50V  
4- EMI Filter Electrical Schematics (continued)  
4-4 R*C* Network Discussion  
The RC damping network is a network used for stability purposes in negative input impedance systems such as DC/ DC  
R and C is a network whose function is to lower the filters output impedance.  
The value of the capacitor C strongly depends on the applications conditions (input voltage range and total power drawn  
from the source) as well as the standards that the equipment has to meet MIL-STD-461C, or D/ E, ... this because  
measurements method (LISN) differs from one standard to another affecting the C value.  
DC/ DC converters are negative input impedance systems whereas a filter composed of passive elements displays a positive  
output impedance to the converter. To ensure the stability of the whole system “LISN + input Filter + DC/ DC converters”, the  
filter output impedance must be kept below the converters input impedance, which is given by the following formula :  
Vin2 x h  
Zin =  
where :  
Vin is the converter input voltage,  
Pin is the converter input power,  
Po is the converter output power  
h is the efficiency of the converter.  
As it can be seen from the preceding equation, the worst case for systems stability is at Vin  
which should be considered for the filter design.  
, so this is the condition  
As the filter is made of low ESR inductors and ceramic capacitors, it has an important Q which causes a sharp increase of  
the filters output impedance at the resonant frequency and leads to a violation of the stability criteria, causing the system  
to break into oscillations.  
Consequently, the values of C and R have to be adjusted to dampen sufficiently the filters resonance and make its  
output impedance lower than the converters input impedance (a 10dB margin between both values is recommended).  
The following formula can be used to determine the capacitor value :  
( LLISN + 4 .10-6 ) x Po x k  
C >  
Vin2 x (R + RL)  
Where :  
is the LISN inductor value  
Po is the filter output power  
R is the capacitor esr (equivalent serial resistor) of C  
R is the input bus equivalent resistor. It is the sum of the line + LISN network + input connector resistors  
k is the stability margin factor.  
This factor is given by the following formula : Stability margin (dB) = 20 log (k)  
Vin is the converter input voltage  
Gaia Converter FC05-050.03/ 08 Revision B  
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