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Z8FMC04100QKSG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z8FMC04100QKSG
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内容描述: Z8喝采-R电机控制闪存MCU [Z8 Encore-R Motor Control Flash MCUs]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路电机时钟
文件页数/大小: 402 页 / 4558 K
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Z8 Encore!® Motor Control Flash MCUs  
Product Specification  
Chip Debugger or by using the Flash Controller Bypass mode. Refer to the Option Bits  
chapter on page 223 and the On-Chip Debugger chapter on page 241 for more informa-  
Flash Write/Erase Protection  
The Z8FMC16100 Series Flash MCU device provides several levels of protection against  
accidental program and erasure of the contents of Flash memory. This protection is pro-  
vided by the Flash Controller unlock mechanism, the Flash Sector Protect Register, and  
the Flash Write Protect option bit.  
Flash Controller Unlock Mechanism  
At Reset, the Flash Controller locks to prevent accidental program or erasure of Flash  
memory. To program or erase Flash memory, the Flash Controller must be unlocked. After  
unlocking the Flash Controller, the Flash can be programmed or erased. Any value written  
by user code to the Flash Control Register or Page Select Register out of sequence will  
lock the Flash Controller.  
The proper steps to unlock the Flash Controller from user code are:  
1. Write 00hto the Flash Control Register to reset the Flash Controller.  
2. Write the page to be programmed or erased to the Page Select Register.  
3. Write the first unlock command 73hto the Flash Control Register.  
4. Write the second unlock command 8Chto the Flash Control Register.  
5. Rewrite the page written in Step 2 to the Page Select Register.  
Flash Sector Protection  
The Flash Sector Protect Register can be configured to prevent sectors from being pro-  
grammed or erased. After a sector is protected, it cannot be unprotected by user code. The  
Flash Sector Protect Register is cleared after reset and any previously written protection  
values are lost. User code must write this register in their initialization routine if they want  
to enable sector protection.  
The Flash Sector Protect Register shares its Register File address with the Page Select  
Register. The Flash Sector Protect Register is accessed by writing the Flash Control Regis-  
ter with 5EH. After the Flash Sector Protect Register is selected, it can be accessed at the  
Page Select Register address. When user code writes the Flash Sector Protect Register,  
bits can only be set to 1. Therefore, sectors can be protected, but not unprotected, via reg-  
ister Write operations. The Flash Sector Protect Register is deselected by writing any  
value to the Flash Control Register.  
The steps to setup the Flash Sector Protect Register from user code are:  
1. Write 00hto the Flash Control Register to reset the Flash Controller.  
Program Memory  
P R E L I M I N A R Y  