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Z8F2401VN020SC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z8F2401VN020SC
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内容描述: Z8喝采微控制器与闪存和10位A / D转换器 [Z8 Encore Microcontrollers with Flash Memory and 10-Bit A/D Converter]
分类和应用: 转换器闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 246 页 / 1767 K
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Z8 Encore!®  
On-Chip Oscillator  
The Z8F640x family devices feature an on-chip oscillator for use with an external 1-  
20MHz crystal. This oscillator generates the primary system clock for the internal eZ8  
CPU and the majority of the on-chip peripherals. Alternatively, the XIN input pin can also  
accept a CMOS-level clock input signal (32kHz-20MHz). If an external clock generator is  
used, the XOUT pin must be left unconnected. The Z8F640x family device does not con-  
tain in internal clock divider. The frequency of the signal on the XIN input pin determines  
the frequency of the system clock. The Z8F640x family device on-chip oscillator does not  
support external RC networks or ceramic resonators.  
20MHz Crystal Oscillator Operation  
Figure 90 illustrates a recommended configuration for connection with an external  
20MHz, fundamental-mode, parallel-resonant crystal. Recommended crystal specifica-  
tions are provided in Table 99. Resistor R1 limits total power dissipation by the crystal.  
Printed circuit board layout should add no more than 4pF of stray capacitance to either the  
XIN or XOUT pins. If oscillation does not occur, reduce the values of capacitors C1 and C2  
to decrease loading.  
On-Chip Oscillator  