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Z8F2401VN020SC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z8F2401VN020SC
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内容描述: Z8喝采微控制器与闪存和10位A / D转换器 [Z8 Encore Microcontrollers with Flash Memory and 10-Bit A/D Converter]
分类和应用: 转换器闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 246 页 / 1767 K
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Z8 Encore!®  
Read Data Memory (0DH)—The Read Data Memory command reads from Data  
Memory. This command is equivalent to the LDE and LDEI instructions. Data can be  
read 1-65536 bytes at a time (65536 bytes can be read by setting size to zero). If the  
Z8F640x family device is not in Debug mode, this command returns FFHfor the data.  
DBG <-- 0DH  
DBG <-- Data Memory Address[15:8]  
DBG <-- Data Memory Address[7:0]  
DBG <-- Size[15:8]  
DBG <-- Size[7:0]  
DBG --> 1-65536 data bytes  
Read Program Memory CRC (0EH)—The Read Program Memory CRC command  
computes and returns the CRC (cyclic redundancy check) of Program Memory using  
the 16-bit CRC-CCITT polynomial. If the Z8F640x family device is not in Debug  
mode, this command returns FFFFHfor the CRC value. Unlike most other OCD Read  
commands, there is a delay from issuing of the command until the OCD returns the  
data. The OCD reads the Program Memory, calculates the CRC value, and returns the  
result. The delay is a function of the Program Memory size and is approximately equal  
to the system clock period multiplied by the number of bytes in the Program Memory.  
DBG <-- 0EH  
DBG --> CRC[15:8]  
DBG --> CRC[7:0]  
Step Instruction (10H)—The Step Instruction command steps one assembly  
instruction at the current Program Counter (PC) location. If the Z8F640x family  
device is not in Debug mode or the Read Protect Option Bit is enabled, the OCD  
ignores this command.  
DBG <-- 10H  
Stuff Instruction (11H)—The Stuff Instruction command steps one assembly  
instruction and allows specification of the first byte of the instruction. The remaining  
0-4 bytes of the instruction are read from Program Memory. This command is useful  
for stepping over instructions where the first byte of the instruction has been  
overwritten by a Breakpoint. If the Z8F640x family device is not in Debug mode or  
the Read Protect Option Bit is enabled, the OCD ignores this command.  
DBG <-- 11H  
DBG <-- opcode[7:0]  
Execute Instruction (12H)—The Execute Instruction command allows sending an  
entire instruction to be executed to the eZ8 CPU. This command can also step over  
Breakpoints. The number of bytes to send for the instruction depends on the opcode. If  
the Z8F640x family device is not in Debug mode or the Read Protect Option Bit is  
enabled, this command reads and discards one byte.  
DBG <-- 12H  
DBG <-- 1-5 byte opcode  
On-Chip Debugger  