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Z8F1602AR020EC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z8F1602AR020EC
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内容描述: Z8喝采微控制器与闪存和10位A / D转换器 [Z8 Encore Microcontrollers with Flash Memory and 10-Bit A/D Converter]
分类和应用: 转换器闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路时钟
文件页数/大小: 246 页 / 1767 K
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Z8 Encore!®  
I2C Controller  
The I C Controller makes the Z8F640x family device bus-compatible with the I C pro-  
tocol. The I2C Controller consists of two bidirectional bus lines—a serial data signal  
(SDA) and a serial clock signal (SCL). Features of the I2C Controller include:  
Transmit and Receive Operation in Master mode  
Maximum data rate of 400kbit/sec  
7- and 10-bit Addressing Modes for Slaves  
Unrestricted Number of Data Bytes Transmitted per Transfer  
The I2C Controller in the Z8F640x family device does not operate in Slave mode.  
The I2C Controller operates in Master mode to transmit and receive data. Only a single  
master is supported. Arbitration between two masters must be accomplished in software.  
I2C supports the following operations:  
Master transmits to a 7-bit slave  
Master transmits to a 10-bit slave  
Master receives from a 7-bit slave  
Master receives from a 10-bit slave  
SDA and SCL Signals  
I2C sends all addresses, data and acknowledge signals over the SDA line, most-significant  
bit first. SCL is the common clock for the I2C Controller. When the SDA and SCL pin  
alternate functions are selected for their respective GPIO ports, the pins are automatically  
configured for open-drain operation.  
The master (I2C) is responsible for driving the SCL clock signal, although the clock signal  
can become skewed by a slow slave device. During the high period of the clock, the slave  
pulls the SCL signal Low to suspend the transaction. When the slave has released the line,  
the I2C Controller continues the transaction. All data is transferred in bytes and there is no  
I2C Controller  