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Z8F041ASH020EC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: Z8F041ASH020EC
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内容描述: Z8喝采XP -R 4K系列高性能8位微控制器 [Z8 Encore XP-R 4K Series High-Performance 8-Bit Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管时钟
文件页数/大小: 276 页 / 3422 K
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Z8 Encore! XP® 4K Series  
Product Specification  
Writing a 1 to the IRQEbit in the Interrupt Control register  
Interrupts are globally disabled by any of the following actions:  
Execution of a DI (Disable Interrupt) instruction  
eZ8 CPU acknowledgement of an interrupt service request from the interrupt controller  
Writing a 0 to the IRQEbit in the Interrupt Control register  
Execution of a Trap instruction  
Illegal Instruction Trap  
Primary Oscillator Fail Trap  
Watch-Dog Oscillator Fail Trap  
Interrupt Vectors and Priority  
The interrupt controller supports three levels of interrupt priority. Level 3 is the highest  
priority, Level 2 is the second highest priority, and Level 1 is the lowest priority. If all of  
the interrupts are enabled with identical interrupt priority (all as Level 2 interrupts, for  
example), the interrupt priority is assigned from highest to lowest as specified in Table 33  
on page 51. Level 3 interrupts are always assigned higher priority than Level 2 interrupts  
which, in turn, always are assigned higher priority than Level 1 interrupts. Within each  
interrupt priority level (Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3), priority is assigned as specified in  
Table 33, above. Reset, Watch-Dog Timer interrupt (if enabled), Primary Oscillator Fail  
Trap, Watchdog Oscillator Fail Trap, and Illegal Instruction Trap always have highest  
(level 3) priority.  
Interrupt Assertion  
Interrupt sources assert their interrupt requests for only a single system clock period (sin-  
gle pulse). When the interrupt request is acknowledged by the eZ8 CPU, the correspond-  
ing bit in the Interrupt Request register is cleared until the next interrupt occurs. Writing a  
0 to the corresponding bit in the Interrupt Request register likewise clears the interrupt  
The following coding style that clears bits in the Interrupt Request registers is NOT rec-  
ommended. All incoming interrupts received between execution of the first LDX com-  
mand and the final LDX command are lost.  
Poor coding style that can result in lost interrupt requests:  
LDX r0, IRQ0  
AND r0, MASK  
LDX IRQ0, r0  
Interrupt Controller  