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5962-9473002MXC 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-9473002MXC
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Field Programmable Gate Array, 576 CLBs, 10000 Gates, 90.9MHz, 1368-Cell, CMOS, CPGA223, CERAMIC, PGA-223]
分类和应用: 时钟可编程逻辑
文件页数/大小: 68 页 / 685 K
 浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第27页浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第28页浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第29页浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第30页浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第32页浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第33页浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第34页浏览型号5962-9473002MXC的Datasheet PDF文件第35页  
XC4000E and XC4000X Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays  
IOB inputs and outputs interface with the octal lines via the  
single-length interconnect lines. Single-length lines are  
also used for communication between the octals and dou-  
ble-length lines, quads, and longlines within the CLB array.  
Two different types of clock buffers are available in the  
Primary Global Buffers (BUFGP)  
Secondary Global Buffers (BUFGS)  
Segmentation into buffered octals was found to be optimal  
for distributing signals over long distances around the  
Four Primary Global buffers offer the shortest delay and  
negligible skew. Four Secondary Global buffers have  
slightly longer delay and slightly more skew due to poten-  
tially heavier loading, but offer greater flexibility when used  
to drive non-clock CLB inputs.  
Global Nets and Buffers  
Both the XC4000E and the XC4000X have dedicated glo-  
bal networks. These networks are designed to distribute  
clocks and other high fanout control signals throughout the  
devices with minimal skew. The global buffers are  
described in detail in the following sections. The text  
descriptions and diagrams are summarized in Table 15.  
The table shows which CLB and IOB clock pins can be  
sourced by which global buffers.  
The Primary Global buffers must be driven by the  
semi-dedicated pads. The Secondary Global buffers can  
be sourced by either semi-dedicated pads or internal nets.  
Each CLB column has four dedicated vertical Global lines.  
Each of these lines can be accessed by one particular Pri-  
mary Global buffer, or by any of the Secondary Global buff-  
ers, as shown in Figure 34. Each corner of the device has  
one Primary buffer and one Secondary buffer.  
In both XC4000E and XC4000X devices, placement of a  
library symbol called BUFG results in the software choos-  
ing the appropriate clock buffer, based on the timing  
requirements of the design. The detailed information in  
these sections is included only for reference.  
IOBs along the left and right edges have four vertical global  
longlines. Top and bottom IOBs can be clocked from the  
global lines in the adjacent CLB column.  
A global buffer should be specified for all timing-sensitive  
global signal distribution. To use a global buffer, place a  
BUFGP (primary buffer), BUFGS (secondary buffer), or  
BUFG (either primary or secondary buffer) element in a  
schematic or in HDL code. If desired, attach a LOC  
attribute or property to direct placement to the designated  
location. For example, attach a LOC=L attribute or property  
to a BUFGS symbol to direct that a buffer be placed in one  
of the two Secondary Global buffers on the left edge of the  
device, or a LOC=BL to indicate the Secondary Global  
buffer on the bottom edge of the device, on the left.  
Global Nets and Buffers (XC4000E only)  
Four vertical longlines in each CLB column are driven  
exclusively by special global buffers. These longlines are  
in addition to the vertical longlines used for standard inter-  
connect. The four global lines can be driven by either of two  
types of global buffers. The clock pins of every CLB and  
IOB can also be sourced from local interconnect.  
Table 15: Clock Pin Access  
L & R  
T & B  
All CLBs in Quadrant  
All CLBs in Device  
IOBs on Adjacent Vertical  
Half Edge  
IOBs on Adjacent Vertical  
Full Edge  
IOBs on Adjacent Horizontal  
Half Edge (Direct)  
IOBs on Adjacent Horizontal  
Half Edge (through CLB globals)  
IOBs on Adjacent Horizontal  
Full Edge (through CLB globals)  
L = Left, R = Right, T = Top, B = Bottom  
May 14, 1999 (Version 1.6)  