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X1202V8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: X1202V8
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Real Time Clock, Volatile, 0 Timer(s), CMOS, PDSO8, PLASTIC, TSSOP-8]
分类和应用: 时钟光电二极管外围集成电路
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 173 K
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time is latched by the read command (falling edge of  
the clock on the ACK bit prior to RTC data output) into a  
separate latch to avoid time changes during the read  
operation. The clock continues to run. Alarms occurring  
during a read are unaffected by the read operation.  
sequential read or page write operation provides  
access to the contents of only one section of the CCR  
per operation. Access to another section requires a  
new operation. Continued reads or writes, once reach-  
ing the end of a section, will wrap around to the start of  
the section. A read or page write can begin at any  
address in the CCR.  
Writing to the Real Time Clock  
The time and date may be set by writing to the RTC  
registers. To avoid changing the current time by an  
uncompleted write operation, the current time value is  
loaded into a separate buffer at the falling edge of the  
clock on the ACK bit before the RTC data input bytes,  
the clock continues to run. The new serial input data  
replaces the values in the buffer. This new RTC value  
is loaded back into the RTC register by a stop bit at the  
end of a valid write sequence. An invalid write opera-  
tion aborts the time update procedure and the contents  
of the buffer are discarded. After a valid write operation  
the RTC will reflect the newly loaded data beginning  
with the first “one second” clock cycle after the stop bit.  
The RTC continues to update the time while an RTC  
register write is in progress and the RTC continues to  
run during any nonvolatile write sequences. A single  
byte may be written to the RTC without affecting the  
other bytes.  
Section 5) is a volatile register. It is not necessary to  
set the RWEL bit prior to writing the status register.  
Section 5) supports a single byte read or write only.  
Continued reads or writes from this section terminates  
the operation.  
The state of the CCR can be read by performing a ran-  
dom read at any address in the CCR at any time. This  
returns the contents of that register location. Additional  
registers are read by performing a sequential read.The  
read instruction latches all clock registers into a buffer,  
so an update of the clock does not change the time  
being read. At the end of a read, the master supplies a  
stop condition to end the operation and free the bus.  
After a read of the CCR, the address remains at the  
previous address +1 so the user can execute a current  
address read of the CCR and continue reading the  
next Register.  
There are two alarm registers whose contents mimic  
the contents of the RTC register, but add enable bits  
and exclude the 24-hour time selection bit. The enable  
bits specify which registers to use in the comparison  
between the Alarm and real time registers. For example:  
The Control/Clock Registers are located in an area  
separate from the EEPROM array and are only acces-  
sible following a slave byte of “1101111x” and reads or  
writes to addresses [0000h:003Fh].  
CCR Access  
– The user can set the X1202 to alarm every Wednes-  
day at 8:00AM by setting the EDWn, the EHRn and  
EMNn enable bits to ‘1’ and setting the DWAn, HRAn  
and MNAn Alarm registers to 8:00AM Wednesday.  
The contents of the CCR can be modified by perform-  
ing a byte or a page write operation directly to any  
address in the CCR. Prior to writing to the CCR  
(except the status register), however, the WEL and  
RWEL bits must be set using a two step process (See  
section “Writing to the Clock/Control Registers.)  
– A daily alarm for 9:30PM results when the EHRn and  
EMNn enable bits are set to ‘1’ and the HRAn and  
MNAn registers set 9:30PM.  
The CCR is divided into 5 sections.These are:  
– Setting the EMOn bit in combination with other  
enable bits and a specific alarm time, the user can  
establish an alarm that triggers at the same time  
once a year.  
1. Alarm 0 (8 bytes)  
2. Alarm 1 (8 bytes)  
3. Control (1 byte)  
4. Real Time Clock (8 bytes)  
5. Status (1 byte)  
When there is a match, an alarm flag is set. The occur-  
rence of an alarm can only be determined by polling  
the AL0 and AL1 bits.  
Sections 1) through 3) are nonvolatile and Sections 4)  
and 5) are volatile. Each register is read and written  
through buffers. The nonvolatile portion (or the counter  
portion of the RTC) is updated only if RWEL is set and  
only after a valid write operation and stop bit. A  
The alarm enable bits are located in the MSB of the  
particular register. When all enable bits are set to ‘0’,  
there are no alarms.  
Characteristics subject to change without notice. 3 of 23  
REV 1.1.8 5/17/01  