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ISD1620BXYI01 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ISD1620BXYI01
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 单消息单芯片6.6-到40秒的语音记录和播放设备与vAlert选项 [Single-Message Single-Chip 6.6- to 40-Second Voice Record & Playback Devices with vAlert Option]
分类和应用: 音频合成器集成电路消费电路商用集成电路
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 309 K
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at the end of the message. During a record cycle, the device powers down immediately after  
REC is released to High.  
The following example operating sequences demonstrate the functionality of the ISD1600B series.  
6.2.1. Record a Message  
The device starts recording from the beginning of the memory when REC transits from High  
to Low and stays at Low. A record cycle is completed when REC is pulled to High or entire  
memory is filled up. Then an End-of-Message (EOM) marker is written at the end of message,  
enabling a subsequent playback cycle to terminate appropriately. Hence, the device  
automatically enters into standby mode.  
Record takes precedence over playback operation. If  
is pulled Low during a playback  
cycle, the playback immediately halts and recording starts from the beginning of the memory.  
Holding REC Low after recording will increase standby current consumption.  
6.2.2. Edge-trigger Playback  
A playback operation starts from the beginning of the memory when PLAYE detects a low  
going signal exceeding the specified debounced time. Playback continues until an EOM  
marker is encountered. Upon completion of a playback cycle, the device automatically enters  
into standby mode.  
During playback, a subsequent low going signal will terminate the current playback operation.  
Holding this pin Low after playback operation will increase standby current consumption.  
6.2.3. Level- trigger Playback  
When PLAYL switches from High to Low and stays at Low, a playback starts from the  
beginning of the memory until either an EOM marker is reached, then it automatically powers  
If PLAYL is pulled High at any time during playback, the playback operation stops  
immediately and the device enters into the power-down mode.  
6.2.4. LED Operation  
The LED is Low during recording, which turns on an LED as a recording indicator. However,  
during playback, the LED blinks a few times per second to indicate a playback operation. It  
returns to a High when operation stops.  
6.2.5. ROSC Operation  
The duration can be varied by changing the value of ROSC. This means the designer has the  
flexibility to choose different sampling frequency, up to 12 KHz, depending upon the needs.  
This feature allows frequency shifting where a recorded audio can be played back faster or  
slower than normal for special sound effects.  
Another feature is a “Pause” function that can be activated by taking the ROSC resistor to VCC to  
stop playback momentarily, and to resume when the resistor is switched back to ground.  
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