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DCM4623TD2H31E0T70 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DCM4623TD2H31E0T70
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内容描述: [Isolated, Regulated DC Converter]
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 2885 K
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Use 0 V for ∆VOUT-LL when load is above 10ꢀ of rated load. See section  
on light load boosting operation for light load effects on output voltage.  
Design Guidelines  
Building Blocks and System Design  
The DCM™ converter input accepts the full 200 to 420 V range, and it  
generates an isolated trimmable 28.0 Vdc output.  
Output Current Limit  
The DCM features a fully operational current limit which effectively  
keeps the module operating inside the Safe Operating Area (SOA) for  
all valid trim and load profiles. The current limit approximates a  
“brick wall” limit, where the output current is prevented from  
exceeding the current limit threshold by reducing the output voltage  
via the internal error amplifier reference. The current limit threshold  
at nominal trim and below is typically 120ꢀ of rated output current,  
but it can vary between 100ꢀ to 130ꢀ. In order to preserve the SOA,  
when the converter is trimmed above the nominal output voltage,  
the current limit threshold is automatically reduced to limit the  
available output power.  
The DCM converter provides a tightly regulated output voltage with  
regulation accuracy of 1ꢀ for all line conditions and for any load  
above 10ꢀ the rated load.  
The DCM4623xD2H31E0y7z is designed to be used in applications  
where the output power requirements are up to 500 W.  
Soft Start  
When the DCM starts, it will go through a soft start. The soft start  
routine ramps the output voltage by modulating the internal error  
amplifier reference. This causes the output voltage to approximate a  
piecewise linear ramp. The output ramp finishes when the voltage  
reaches either the nominal output voltage, or the trimmed output  
voltage in cases where trim mode is active.  
When the output current exceeds the current limit threshold, current  
limit action is held off by 1ms, which permits the DCM to  
momentarily deliver higher peak output currents to the load. Peak  
output power during this time is still constrained by the internal  
Power Limit of the module. The fast Power Limit and relatively slow  
Current Limit work together to keep the module inside the SOA.  
Delaying entry into current limit also permits the DCM to minimize  
droop voltage for load steps.  
During soft-start, the maximum load current capability is reduced.  
Until Vout achieves at least VOUT-FL-THRESH, the output current must be  
less than IOUT-START in order to guarantee startup. Note that this is  
current available to the load, above that which is required to charge  
the output capacitor.  
Sustained operation in current limit is permitted, and no derating of  
output power is required.  
Trim Mode and Output Trim Control  
When the input voltage is initially applied to a DCM, and after tINIT  
elapses, the trim pin voltage VTR is sampled. The TR pin has an  
internal pull up resistor to VCC, so unless external circuitry pulls the  
pin voltage lower, it will pull up to VCC. If the initially sampled trim  
pin voltage is higher than VTRIM-DIS, then the DCM will disable  
trimming as long as the VIN remains applied. In this case, for all  
subsequent operation the output voltage will be programmed to the  
nominal. This minimizes the support components required for  
applications that only require the nominal rated Vout, and also  
provides the best output setpoint accuracy, as there are no additional  
errors from external trim components  
Some applications may benefit from well matched current  
distribution, in which case fine tuning sharing via the trim pins  
permits control over sharing. The DCM does not require this for  
proper operation, due to the power limit and current limit behaviors  
described here.  
Current limit can reduce the output voltage to as little as the UVP  
threshold (VOUT-UVP). Below this minimum output voltage  
compliance level, further loading will cause the module to shut  
down due to the output undervoltage fault protection.  
Line Impedance, Input Slew rate and Input Stability Requirements  
Connect a high-quality, low-noise power supply to the +IN and –IN  
terminals. Additional capacitance may have to be added between +IN  
and –IN to make up for impedances in the interconnect cables as  
well as deficiencies in the source.  
If at initial application of VIN, the TR pin voltage is prevented from  
exceeding VTRIM-EN, then the DCM will activate trim mode, and it will  
remain active for as long as VIN is applied.  
VOUT set point can be calculated using the equation below:  
Excessive source impedance can bring about system stability issues  
for a regulated DC-DC converter, and must either be avoided or  
compensated by filtering components. A 100 µF input capacitor is  
the minimum recommended in case the source impedance is  
insufficient to satisfy stability requirements.  
VOUT-FL = 11.64 + (21.910 • VTR/VCC  
Note that the trim mode is not changed when a DCM recovers from  
any fault condition or being disabled.  
Module performance is guaranteed through output voltage trim  
range VOUT-TRIMMING. If VOUT is trimmed above this range, then certain  
combinations of line and load transient conditions may trigger the  
output OVP.  
Additional information can be found in the filter design application  
Please refer to this input filter design tool to ensure input stability:  
Overall Output Voltage Transfer Function  
Taking trim (equation 1) into account, the general equation relating  
the DC VOUT to programmed trim (when active), load is given by:  
Ensure that the input voltage slew rate is less than 1V/us, otherwise a  
pre-charge circuit is required for the DCM input to control the input  
voltage slew rate and prevent overstress to input stage components.  
VOUT = 11.64 + (21.910 • VTR/VCC) + VOUT-LL  
Finally, note that when the load current is below 10ꢀ of the rated  
capacity, there is an additional ∆V which may add to the output  
voltage, depending on the line voltage which is related to light load  
boosting. Please see the section on light load boosting below for  
DCMDC-DC Converter  
Rev 1.0  
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