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DCD24AP240T320A50 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DCD24AP240T320A50
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内容描述: [EVAL BOARD FOR DCM24AP240T320A50]
文件页数/大小: 17 页 / 653 K
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nBoth the visible LED and the opco-coupler draw current from the FT node in a fault condition. The FT  
pin on the DCM has limited drive-high capabilities, and so care must be taken to avoid excess loading  
of the pin. To avoid overload, do not configure J10 to use both the LED and opto-coupler indicators  
simultaneously. When connecting external circuitry or test equipment to the FT test point, ensure that  
the maximum load on the FT node is within the DCM datasheet ratings.  
nIn a parallel setup using the J02 & J03 paralleling connectors, all boards besides the top one should  
have the fault jumper select block at J10 open.  
nWhen using the opto-coupler, the status of the FT node can be easily transferred to the secondary side  
of the DCM(s) isolation boundary. To resolve the fault state on the secondary side, the collector side  
of the opto requires a bias voltage. A 5V bench supply should be connected between the “+5V” and  
“SEC_SG” testpoints. With no fault present, “FT_SEC” will be at 0V, and when a fault occurs and the  
opto-coupler is active, “FT_SEC” will pull up to 5V, relative to SEC_SG.  
Chassis Ground  
The heatsink assembly of the DCM is connected to the CHASSIS_GND node of the board, as well as the  
y-caps from each power connection of the DCM. A connection from the CHASSIS_GND lug to earth  
ground is required.  
The paralleling and sharing performance of multiple DCMs can be easily demonstrated by stacking  
multiple evaluation boards and interconnecting the inputs and outputs with standoffs to create a  
parallel array. The DCM uses a negative load-line to implement wireless droop-sharing in an array. Each  
DCM in an array operates in the same way as it does as a stand-alone unit. With equal trim conditions,  
the load is effectively shared across multiple DCMs. Mismatches in this case are modest, and are further  
canceled by an effective negative voltage vs. temperature coefficient. See the DCM datasheet for more  
detail on load line and tempco. DCMs in an array require no derating of maximum output power or  
DCMs in an array with mismatched trim conditions will not share the load equally at light- to  
moderate-load conditions. As the load increases, one or more DCMs (starting with those with the  
highest programmed output trim voltage) will go into current limit and their contribution to the overall  
output current will plateau. For DCMs, current limit is not a fault condition, rather it is a valid constant-  
current mode of operation and a DCM in current limit will provide constant current to the load. As long  
as the load does not exceed the maximum load rating of the array of DCMs, the output voltage will  
continue to be regulated by any remaining DCMs still in constant voltage mode. Even with mismatched  
trim conditions, the array can be safely loaded up to the full rated array capacity.  
The following connections and settings should be used for an array of DCM evaluation boards:  
nAll DCMs in a parallel array must be the same model.  
nThe boards should be physically stacked using metal standoffs at the +IN & –IN lugs, the +OUT &  
–OUT lugs, and the CHASSIS_GND lug. This also connects these nodes electrically so that a single  
source, single load, and earth ground connection can be made to the system.  
nThe +IN lugs are not required to be connected together for an array of DCMs. The wireless  
sharing does not require the same differential input voltage be present on all DCMs in the array.  
In some applications dissimilar input voltages may be needed, which is fully supported.  
Applications Engineering: 800 927.9474  
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