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TA3020 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TA3020
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内容描述: 利用数字电源ProcessingTM技术立体声300W ( 4Ω ), T类数字音频放大器驱动器 [Stereo 300W (4Ω) Class-T Digital Audio Amplifier Driver using Digital Power ProcessingTM Technology]
分类和应用: 驱动器音频放大器
文件页数/大小: 29 页 / 285 K
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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N  
Theoretical Efficiency Of A TA3020 Amplifier  
The efficiency, η, of an amplifier is:  
η = POUT/PIN  
The power dissipation of a TA3020 amplifier is primarily determined by the on resistance, RON, of the  
output transistors used, and the switching losses of these transistors, PSW. For a TA3020 amplifier,  
PIN (per channel) is approximated by:  
where: PDRIVER = Power dissipated in the TA3020 = 1.6W/channel  
SW = 2 x (0.01) x Qg (Qg is the gate charge of M, in nano-coulombs)  
RCOIL = Resistance of the output filter inductor (typically around 50m)  
For a 125W RMS per channel, 8load amplifier using STW34NB20 MOSFETs, and an RS of 50m,  
= 1.6 + 2 x (0.01) x (95) + 125 x ((0.025 + 0.11 + 0.05 + 8)/8)2 = 1.6 + 1.9 + 130.8  
= 134.3W  
In the above calculation the RDS (ON) of 0.065was multiplied by a factor of 1.7 to obtain RON in order  
to account for some temperature rise of the MOSFETs. (RDS (ON) typically increases by a factor of 1.7  
for a typical MOSFET as temperature increases from 25ºC to 170ºC.)  
η = POUT/PIN = 125/134.3 = 93%  
Performance Measurements of a TA3020 Amplifier  
Tripath amplifiers operate by modulating the input signal with a high-frequency switching pattern.  
This signal is sent through a low-pass filter (external to the TA3020) that demodulates it to recover  
an amplified version of the audio input. The frequency of the switching pattern is spread spectrum  
and typically varies between 200kHz and 1.5MHz, which is well above the 20Hz – 22kHz audio  
band. The pattern itself does not alter or distort the audio input signal but it does introduce some  
inaudible noise components.  
The measurements of certain performance parameters, particularly those that have anything to do  
with noise, like THD+N, are significantly affected by the design of the low-pass filter used on the  
output of the TA3020 and also the bandwidth setting of the measurement instrument used. Unless  
the filter has a very sharp roll-off just past the audio band or the bandwidth of the measurement  
instrument ends there, some of the inaudible noise components introduced by the Tripath amplifier  
switching pattern will get integrated into the measurement, degrading it.  
Tripath amplifiers do not require large multi-pole filters to achieve excellent performance in listening  
tests, usually a more critical factor than performance measurements. Though using a multi-pole filter  
may remove high-frequency noise and improve THD+N type measurements (when they are made  
with wide-bandwidth measuring equipment), these same filters can increase distortion due to  
inductor non-linearity. Multi-pole filters require relatively large inductors, and inductor non-linearity  
increases with inductor value.  
TA3020, Rev 2.1, 01.01  