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TTP259-ASFN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: TTP259-ASFN
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Preliminary]
文件页数/大小: 81 页 / 587 K
品牌: TTELEC [ TT Electronics ]
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S-12. Interrupts  
The CPU provides only 1 interrupt vector ($001H) and no priority, but can  
expand to multi-sources. Interrupt source includes external interrupts  
(INT0,INT1), timer/counter interrupts (TCP1,TCP2), Time base timer interrupt  
(TBxINT) or other peripheral device interrupt request (PERINT). The interrupt  
control registers (INTC or INTC1) contain the interrupt control bit to enable and  
disable corresponding interrupt request and the corresponding interrupt  
request flags in the (INTF or INTF1) registers. Before finishing the INT service  
routine, another INT request will keep waiting until program return from  
interrupt routine.  
If the interrupt request needs service, the programmer may set the  
corresponding INT enable bit to allow interrupt active. External interrupts are  
triggered by both falling and rising edge trigger and set the related interrupt  
request flag (INTFx). The internal timer/counter interrupt is setting the TCPxF  
to 1, resulting from the timer/counter overflow. The time base interrupt TBxINT  
was provided 2 periodic interrupt request cycles for user operating a periodic  
When the corresponding interrupt enable and flag bit is set to 1, the CPU  
will active the interrupt service routine. Then CPU reads the service flag and  
check the request priority then proceeds with the relative interrupt service.  
After CPU writes the corresponding bit to 0 in the INTFx register, the service  
flag will be cleared to 0(using STX #n,$m instruction). The INTF and INTF1  
registers’ bit can only write 0 to clear the flag. User writes 1 to flag bit with no  
INT0 input type can select Schmitt or comparator by SPCON1 register, if  
comparator select then the comparator reference voltage is the bandgap  
voltage(1.12+-10%), it will consumption more current than Schmitt because  
bandgap turn on. It can be used to detect VDD voltage for battery low and so  
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