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UCC3973PW 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: UCC3973PW
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内容描述: 的BiCMOS冷阴极荧光灯驱动器控制器 [BiCMOS Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp Driver Controller]
分类和应用: 驱动器稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器光电二极管信息通信管理
文件页数/大小: 24 页 / 895 K
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BUCK:Senses the voltage on the top side of the induc- GND: Ground reference for the IC.  
tor feeding the resonant tank. The voltage at this point  
MODE: The voltage on this pin is used to control start-up  
and various modes of operation for the part (refer to the ta-  
ble in the block diagram).  
is used to synchronize the internally generated ramp  
and to detect whether an open lamp condition exists.  
An open lamp condition exists when this voltage is be-  
low the specified threshold for seven clock cycles. If the  
MODE pin is held below the open lamp detect enable  
threshold, this protective feature is disabled.  
When the voltage is below 1V, OUT is forced low, open  
lamp detection is disabled and the error amplifier is  
When the voltage is between 1V and 3V, OUT is enabled  
and the error amplifier output is connected to COMP. Open  
lamp detection is still disabled and a constant 20 A current  
is sourced from this pin. Placing an appropriate value ex-  
ternal capacitor between this pin and ground allows the  
user to disable open lamp detection for a set period of time  
at start-up to allow the lamp to strike.  
On the UCC3973, this pin is also used to sense an  
over-voltage across the transformer primary. If the volt-  
age at this pin exceeds the clamp threshold, current will  
be sourced fron the FB pin.  
COMP: Output of the error amplifier.Compensation  
components set the bandwidth of the entire system and  
are normally connected between COMP and FB. The  
error amplifier averages lamp current against a fixed in-  
ternal reference. The resulting voltage on the COMP  
pin is compared to an internally generated ramp, set-  
ting the PWM duty cycle. During UVLO, this pin is ac-  
tively pulled low.  
When MODE reaches 3V, open lamp detection is enabled  
and normal operation is activated.  
OUT: Drives the buck regulator N-channel MOSFET. OUT  
turn-on is synchronized to twice the tank resonant fre-  
quency. OUT is actively pulled low when in UVLO, an  
open lamp condition has been detected or MODE is less  
than 1V.  
FB: This pin is the inverting input to the error amplifier.  
On the UCC3973, current is sourced form this pin if the  
clamp threshold is exceeded at the BUCK pin (see be-  
low). The sourced current will reduce OUT duty cycle to  
control transformer primary voltage. The source current  
is disabled on the UCC3972.  
VBAT:Positive input supply to power stage. This voltage is  
required by internal control circuitry to provide open-lamp  
detection and synchronization. Operating range is from  
4.5V to 25V.  
VDD: This pin connects to the battery voltage from which  
the CCFL inverter will operate. If the potential on VBAT  
can exceed 18V in the application, a series resistor must  
be placed between VBAT and this pin (see applications  
section). The voltage at the VDD pin will then be regulated  
to 18V. This pin should be bypassed with a minimum ca-  
pacitance of 0.1mF.  
Clamp current vs. tank voltage for UCC3973.  