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LMV358MMX 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LMV358MMX
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内容描述: 单/双/四路通用,低电压,轨至轨输出运算放大器 [Single/Dual/Quad General Purpose, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers]
分类和应用: 运算放大器
文件页数/大小: 30 页 / 1423 K
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Sallen-Key 2nd-Order Active Low-Pass Filter  
The Sallen-Key 2nd-order active low-pass filter is illustrated  
in Figure 13. The DC gain of the filter is expressed as  
Simple Low-Pass Active Filter  
The simple low-pass filter is shown in Figure 11. Its low-fre-  
quency gain (ω 0) is defined by −R3/R1. This allows low-  
frequency gains other than unity to be obtained. The filter has  
a −20 dB/decade roll-off after its corner frequency fc. R2  
should be chosen equal to the parallel combination of R1 and  
R3 to minimize errors due to bias current. The frequency re-  
sponse of the filter is shown in Figure 12.  
Its transfer function is  
FIGURE 13. Sallen-Key 2nd-Order Active Low-Pass Filter  
The following paragraphs explain how to select values for  
R1, R2, R3, R4, C1, and C 2 for given filter requirements, such  
as ALP, Q, and fc.  
The standard form for a 2nd-order low pass filter is  
FIGURE 11. Simple Low-Pass Active Filter  
Q: Pole Quality Factor  
ꢁꢁωC: Corner Frequency  
A comparison between Equation 2 and Equation 3 yields  
FIGURE 12. Frequency Response of Simple Low-Pass  
Active Filter in Figure 11  
Note that the single-op-amp active filters are used in the ap-  
plications that require low quality factor, Q( 10), low fre-  
quency (5 kHz), and low gain (10), or a small value for  
the product of gain times Q (100). The op amp should have  
an open loop voltage gain at the highest frequency of interest  
at least 50 times larger than the gain of the filter at this fre-  
quency. In addition, the selected op amp should have a slew  
rate that meets the following requirement:  
To reduce the required calculations in filter design, it is con-  
venient to introduce normalization into the components and  
design parameters. To normalize, let ωC = ωn = 1 rad/s, and  
C1 = C2 = Cn = 1F, and substitute these values into Equation  
4 and Equation 5. From Equation 4, we obtain  
From Equation 5, we obtain  
Slew Rate 0.5 × (ω HVOPP) × 10−6 V/µsec  
where ωH is the highest frequency of interest, and VOPP is the  
output peak-to-peak voltage.  