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LM3241_13 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LM3241_13
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内容描述: LM3241为6MHz , 750毫安微型,可调节,降压型DC -DC转换器,用于射频功率放大器 [LM3241 6MHz, 750mA Miniature, Adjustable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter for RF Power Amplifiers]
分类和应用: 转换器放大器射频功率放大器
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 1436 K
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Board Layout Considerations  
PC board layout is an important part of DC-DC converter design. Poor board layout can disrupt the performance  
of a DC-DC converter and surrounding circuitry by contributing to EMI, ground bounce, and resistive voltage loss  
in the traces. These can send erroneous signals to the DC-DC converter IC, resulting in poor regulation or  
instability. Poor layout can also result in re-flow problems leading to poor solder joints between the DSBGA  
package and board pads — poor solder joints can result in erratic or degraded performance. Good layout for the  
LM3241 can be implemented by following a few simple design rules, as illustrated in Figure 31.  
Figure 31. LM3241 Board Layout  
1. Place the LM3241 on 10.82 mil pads. As a thermal relief, connect each pad with a 7mil wide, approximately  
7mil long trace, and then incrementally increase each trace to its optimal width. VIN and GND traces are  
especially recommended to be as wide as possible. The important criterion is symmetry to ensure the solder  
bumps re-flow evenly. (See AN-1112, Surface Mount Technology (SMD) Assembly Considerations..)  
2. Place the LM3241, inductor, and filter capacitors close together and make the traces short. The traces  
between these components carry relatively high switching current and act as antennae. Following this rule  
reduces radiated noise. Special care must be given to place the input filter capacitor very close to the  
VIN and GND pads.  
3. Arrange the components so that the switching current loops curl in the same direction. During the first half of  
each cycle, current flows from the input filter capacitor, through the LM3241 and inductor to the output filter  
capacitor and back through ground, forming a current loop. In the second half of each cycle, current is pulled  
up from ground, through the LM3241 by the inductor, to the output filter capacitor and then back through  
ground, forming a second current loop. Routing these loops so the current curls in the same direction  
prevents magnetic field reversal between the two half-cycles and reduces radiated noise.  
4. Connect the ground pads of the LM3241 and filter capacitors together using generous component-side  
copper fill as a pseudo-ground plane. Then connect this to the ground-plane (if one is used) with several  
vias. This reduces ground-plane noise by preventing the switching currents from circulating through the  
ground plane. It also reduces ground bounce at the LM3241 by giving it a low impedance ground connection.  
5. Use side traces between the power components and for power connections to the DC-DC converter circuit.  
This reduces voltage errors caused by resistive losses across the traces.  
6. Route noise sensitive traces such as the voltage feedback path away from noisy traces between the power  
components. The output voltage feedback point should be taken approximately 1.5 nH away from the output  
capacitor. The feedback trace also should be routed opposite to noise components. The voltage feedback  
trace must remain close to the LM3241 circuit and should be routed directly from FB to VOUT at the  
inductor and should be routed opposite to noise components. This allows fast feedback and reduces  
EMI radiated onto the DC-DC converter’s own voltage feedback trace.  
Copyright © 2009–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated  
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