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AVPRO5002R-CMR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AVPRO5002R-CMR
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内容描述: [Audio/Video Switch, 2 Func, 2 Channel, QFN-48]
文件页数/大小: 30 页 / 418 K
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AVPro® 5002R  
Dual SCART A/V Switch  
luminance is received on the Enc2_Y input pin. For this  
Auxiliary SVHS Output Mode  
mode only, audio will come from the TV_Lin/TV_Rin  
inputs, and the video will have chroma output on  
Aux_Cout, and luminance output on Aux_YCout.  
In the SVHS mode, Pin 15 on the auxiliary SCART  
connector provides chroma information. To support  
this, the auxiliary port on the 5002R includes a chroma  
input pin (Aux_Cin) that is externally AC coupled to Pin  
15 on the auxiliary SCART connector.  
When the SVHS mode is selected, the DC restore on  
the TV_R pin will average to approximately 1.7 VDC at  
the output pin. The DC restore circuit will act to position  
the blank level to 1.2V at the TV_YCout video output  
pin. The TV_G and TV_B outputs will be set to 0 VDC  
when the SVHS mode is active.  
The device also includes an output pin (Aux_Cout) that  
provides a chroma output to Pin 15 (RED) on the  
auxiliary SCART connector. When connected with the  
Aux_R and Aux_Cin pins, this forms a bi-directional  
port as shown in the diagram below:  
RF Modulator Output  
The device provides an output, Mod_YC, to drive an  
external RF modulator. The Mod_YC output is a unity  
gain amplifier designed to drive a 1kload or higher.  
When the device is operating in the RGB mode, the  
signal on the Mod_YC output will follow the same  
source as the TV_YCout output.  
Pin 15  
When the device is in the SVHS mode, the Mod_YC  
output can be driven by several sources depending on  
the SVHS video source. These various options are  
detailed in the serial port register table.  
One case that requires additional detail is the auxiliary  
SVHS mode. In the SVHS mode, the Aux_YC video  
input will only provide luminance information.  
Composite video for the modulator output must be  
generated by summing this luma information with the  
chroma information from the auxiliary port. The input  
pin labeled Aux_Cin is used for this purpose. The  
Aux_Cin input pin is AC coupled to the same source  
that provides the input signal to Aux_R. An internal  
summing node combines the video signal on Aux_Cin  
(chroma) with the video signal on Aux_YC (luma) to  
generate a composite video signal. In the auxiliary  
SVHS mode, this signal is provided at the Mod_YC pin.  
Using this configuration, the device will support SVHS  
mode for four encoder interface formats. The first  
encoder interface format will receive chroma information  
from the Enc_C pin and luminance information from the  
Enc_Y pin. This format is designated “SVHS, Enc 1”.  
The second format will receive chroma information on  
the Enc_B input and luminance information on Enc_G.  
This format is designated "SVHS, Enc 2". The third  
format will receive chroma information from the Enc_R  
pin and luminance information from the Enc_G pin. This  
mode is designated “SVHS, Enc 3” on the serial port  
register table. For these three modes, audio will come  
from the Lin/Rin inputs. The fourth format is designated  
"SVHS Enc 4" (not available in the 48 QFN option).  
Chroma information is received on the Enc2_C input pin  
and the luminance is received on the Enc2_Y input pin.  
For this mode only, audio will come from the  
TV_Lin/TV_Rin inputs.  
TV Composite Video Mute  
The TV composite video outputs can be muted by  
programming the lower three (3) bits in Register 1. The  
power-up default condition is xxxxx111, (Auxiliary RGB  
source) which sets the TV composite video outputs to 0  
VDC and switches the TV audio outputs to  
Aux_Lin/Aux_Rin. Setting these bits to xxxxx110  
(Encoder RGB source) will also mute the TV composite  
video outputs and switch the TV audio outputs to  
When the SVHS mode is selected, the DC restore on  
the Aux_Cout pin will average to approximately 1.7  
VDC at the pin (0.85 at the video output load). The DC  
restore on the Aux_YCout pin will set the blank level to  
1.2 V at the IC pin or approximately 0.6 V across the  
video output load.  
Auxiliary Composite Output  
The auxiliary port includes a composite video output  
pin (AUX_YCout) that is typically connected to the  
“Video Out” pin (pin 19) on an auxiliary SCART  
connector. Bits 3-5 in Register 1 determine the  
source for the AUX_YCout pin as well as for the  
Aux_Cout. See register table.  
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© 2008 TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation  
Rev 2.1  