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78M6612-IM/F/P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 78M6612-IM/F/P
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内容描述: 单相,双插座电源和电能计量IC [Single-Phase, Dual-Outlet Power and Energy Measurement IC]
分类和应用: 插座
文件页数/大小: 111 页 / 1528 K
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78M6612 Data Sheet  
The CE of the 78M6612 is aided by support hardware that facilitates implementation of equations, pulse  
counters, and accumulators. This support hardware is controlled through I/O RAM locations EQU  
(equation assist), DIO_PV and DIO_PW (pulse count assist), and PRE_SAMPS and SUM_CYCLES  
(accumulation assist). PRE_SAMPS and SUM_CYCLES support a dual level accumulation scheme where  
the first accumulator accumulates results from PRE_SAMPS samples and the second accumulator  
accumulates up to SUM_CYCLES of the first accumulator results. The integration time for each energy  
output is PRE_SAMPS * SUM_CYCLES/2520.6 (with MUX_DIV = 01). CE hardware issues the  
XFER_BUSY interrupt when the accumulation is complete.  
1.3.1 Measurement Equations  
Refer to the applicable 78M6612 Firmware Description Document for further details.  
1.3.2 Real-Time Monitor  
The CE contains a Real-Time Monitor (RTM), which can be programmed through the UART to monitor  
four selectable CE DRAM locations at full sample rate for system debug purposes. The four monitored  
locations are serially output to the TMUXOUT pin via the digital output multiplexer at the beginning of  
each CE code pass. The RTM can be enabled and disabled with RTM_EN. The RTM output is clocked  
by CKTEST. Each RTM word is clocked out in 35 cycles and contains a leading flag bit. See Section 2  
Functional Description for the RTM output format. RTM is low when not in use.  
1.3.3 Pulse Generator  
The chip contains two pulse generators that create low-jitter pulses at a rate set by either CE or MPU for  
calibration purposes. The function is distinguished by EXT_PULSE (a CE input variable in CE DRAM):  
If EXT_PULSE = 1, APULSEW*WRATE and APULSER*WRATE control the pulse rate (external pulse  
If EXT_PULSE is 0, APULSEW is replaced with WSUM_X and APULSER is replaced with VARSUM_X  
(internal pulse generation).  
The I/O RAM bits DIO_PV and DIO_PW, as described in Section 1.5.7 Digital I/O, can be programmed to  
route WPULSE to the output pin DIO6 and VARPULSE to the output pin DIO7. Pulses can also be  
output on TX1 (see TX1E[1:0] for details).  
During each CE code pass, the hardware stores exported sign bits in an 8-bit FIFO and outputs them at  
a specified interval. This permits the CE code to calculate all of the pulse generator outputs at the  
beginning of its code pass and to rely on hardware to spread them over the MUX frame. The FIFO is  
reset at the beginning of each MUX frame. PLS_INTERVAL controls the delay to the first pulse update  
and the interval between subsequent updates. Its LSB is four CK_FIR cycles, or 4 * 203ns. If  
PLS_INTERVAL is zero, the FIFO is deactivated and the pulse outputs are updated immediately. Thus,  
the internal is 4*PLS_INTERVAL.  
For use with the standard CE code supplied by Teridian, PLS_INTERVAL is set to a fixed value of 81.  
PLS_INTERVAL is specified so that all of the pulse updates are output before the MUX frame completes.  
On-chip hardware provides a maximum pulse width feature: PLS_MAXWIDTH[7:0] selects a maximum  
negative pulse width to be ‘Nmax’ updates per multiplexer cycle according to the formula: Nmax =  
(2*PLS_MAXWIDTH+1). If PLS_MAXWIDTH = 255, no width checking is performed.  
Given that PLS_INTERVAL = 81, the maximum pulse width is determined by:  
Maximum Pulse Width = (2 * PLS_MAXWIDTH +1) * 81*4*203ns = 65.9µs + PLS_MAXWIDTH *  
Rev. 1.2  