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73S1209F-44IM/F 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 73S1209F-44IM/F
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内容描述: 自包含的密码键盘,智能卡读卡器IC的UART至ISO7816 / EMV桥接IC [Self-Contained PINpad, Smart Card Reader IC UART to ISO7816 / EMV Bridge IC]
分类和应用: 电源电路电源管理电路PC
文件页数/大小: 123 页 / 1421 K
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73S1209F Data Sheet  
Revision History  
Revision Date  
First publication.  
In Table 1, added the Type column and the Equivalent Circuit references.  
In Section 1.4, updated program security description to remove pre-boot  
and 32-cycle references.  
In Section 1.7.1, changed “Mcount is configured in the MCLKCtl register  
must be bound between a value of 1 to 7. The possible crystal or external  
clock are shown in Table 12.“ to “Mcount is configured in the MCLKCtl  
register must be bound between a value of 1 to 7. The possible crystal or  
external clock frequencies for getting MCLK = 96MHz are shown in Table  
In the BRCON description, changed “If BSEL = 1, the baud rate is derived  
using timer 1.” to “If BSEL = 0, the baud rate is derived using timer 1.”  
In Section 1.7.12, removed the following from the emulator port  
description: “The signals of the emulator port have weak pull-ups. Adding  
resistor footprints for signals E_RST, E_TCLK and E_RXTX on the PCB is  
recommended. If necessary, adding 10KΩ pull-up resistors on E_TCLK  
and E_RXTX and a 3KΩ on E_RST will help the emulator operate  
normally if a problem arises.”  
Added Section 4, Equivalent Circuits.  
In Ordering Information, removed the leaded part numbers.  
In Table 1, added more description to the SCL, SDA, PRES, PRESB,  
VCC, VPC, SEC, TEST and VDD pins.  
In Section 1.3.2, changed “FLSH_ERASE” to “ERASE” and  
“FLSH_PGADR” to “PGADDR”. Added “The PGADDR register denotes  
the page address for page erase. The page size is 512 (200h) bytes and  
there are 128 pages within the flash memory. The PGADDR denotes the  
upper seven bits of the flash memory address such that bit 7:1 of the  
PGADDR corresponds to bit 15:9 of the flash memory address. Bit 0 of  
the PGADDR is not used and is ignored.” In the description of the  
PGADDR register, added “Note: the page address is shifted left by one bit  
(see detailed description above).”  
In Table 3, change “FLSH_PGADR” to “PGADDR”.  
In Table 3, changed “FLSHCRL” to “FLSHCTL”.  
In Table 3, added “Note: the page address is shifted left by one bit (see  
detailed description above).” to the PGADDR description.  
In Table 5, moved the TRIMPCtl bit description to FUSECtl and moved the  
FUSECtl bit description to TRIMPCtl.  
In Table 6, changed “PGADR” to “PGADDR”.  
In Table 7, added PGADDR.  
In Table 11, removed the Mcount 7 row.  
In Section, deleted “The ETU clock is held in reset condition until  
the activation sequence begins (either by VCCOK = 1 or VCCTMR  
timeout) and will go high ½ the ETU period thereafter.”  
In Section (number 3), deleted “If CLKOFF/SCLKOFF is high and  
SYCKST is set=1(STXCtl, b7=1), Rlen=max will stop the clock at the  
selected (CLKLVL or SCLKLVL) level.”  
In Section, deleted number 9.  
Rev. 1.2  