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CC2430EMK 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CC2430EMK
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内容描述: 真正的系统级芯片解决方案的2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee的 [A True System-on-Chip solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee]
文件页数/大小: 212 页 / 1862 K
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Peripherals : DMA Controller  
13.5 DMA Controller  
periodically transfer samples between ADC  
and memory, etc. Use of the DMA can also  
reduce system power consumption by keeping  
the CPU in a low-power mode without having  
to wake up to move data to or from a  
peripheral unit (see section for CPU  
low power mode). Note that section 11.2.3  
describes which SFR registers that are not  
mapped into XDATA memory space.  
The CC2430 includes a direct memory access  
(DMA) controller, which can be used to relieve  
the 8051 CPU core of handling data  
movement operations thus achieving high  
overall performance with good power  
efficiency. The DMA controller can move data  
from a peripheral unit such as ADC or RF  
transceiver to memory with minimum CPU  
The main features of the DMA controller are as  
The DMA controller coordinates all DMA  
transfers, ensuring that DMA requests are  
prioritized appropriately relative to each other  
and CPU memory access. The DMA controller  
contains a number of programmable DMA  
channels for memory-memory data movement.  
Five independent DMA channels  
Three configurable levels of DMA channel  
31 configurable transfer trigger events  
Independent control of source and  
destination address  
The DMA controller controls data transfers  
over the entire address range in XDATA  
memory space. Since most of the SFR  
registers are mapped into the DMA memory  
space, these flexible DMA channels can be  
used to unburden the CPU in innovative ways,  
e.g. feed a USART with data from memory or  
Single, block and repeated transfer modes  
Supports length field in transfer data  
setting variable transfer length  
Can operate in either word-size or byte-  
size mode  
DMA Operation  
There are five DMA channels available in the  
the channel the trigger will be lost. If more than  
one DMA channels are armed simultaneously,  
the time for all channels to be configured will  
be longer (sequential read from memory). If all  
5 are armed it will take 45 system clocks and  
channel 1 will first be ready, then channel 2  
and lastly channel 0 (all within the last 8  
system clocks). There are 31 possible DMA  
trigger events, e.g. UART transfer, Timer  
overflow etc. The trigger event to be used by a  
DMA channel is set by the DMA channel  
configuration thus no knowledge of this is  
available until after configuration has been  
read. The DMA trigger events are listed in  
Table 41.  
DMA controller numbered channel to  
channel 4. Each DMA channel can move data  
from one place within the DMA memory space  
to another i.e. between XDATA locations.  
In order to use a DMA channel it must first be  
configured as described in sections 13.5.2 and  
13.5.3. Figure 18 shows the DMA state  
Once a DMA channel has been configured it  
must be armed before any transfers are  
allowed to be initiated. A DMA channel is  
armed by setting the appropriate bit in the  
DMA Channel Arm register DMAARM.  
In addition to starting a DMA transfer through  
the DMA trigger events, the user software may  
force a DMA transfer to begin by setting the  
corresponding DMAREQbit.  
When a DMA channel is armed a transfer will  
begin when the configured DMA trigger event  
occurs. Note that the time to arm one channel  
(i.e. get configuration data) takes 9 system  
clocks, thus if DMAARM bit set and a trigger  
appears within the time it takes to configure  
CC2430 Data Sheet (rev. 2.1) SWRS036F  
Page 88 of 211  