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SMH4814NCR04 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SMH4814NCR04
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内容描述: 双路馈电有源或门可编程热插拔控制器 [Dual Feed Active-ORing Programmable Hot Swap Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 44 页 / 926 K
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Preliminary Information  
Circuit Breaker Operation  
Figure 10 shows the circuit breaker ‘Quick Trip’  
The SMH4814 provides a highly configurable method  
response. In this figure, the voltage rises above VQCB  
for detecting and controlling over-current events.  
causing VGATE to be deasserted.  
sustained over-current condition can cause physical  
damage to the card edge connector, the load circuitry,  
and may even disrupt operation of other cards in the  
system. To detect such over-current conditions, a  
series sense resistor (RS) is connected between the  
MOSFET source (which is tied to CBSENSE) and VSS.  
The board’s load current passes through the sense  
resistor, and the CBSENSE input is monitored for  
excessive voltage drop across RS.  
The SMH4814 compares the CBSENSE input against  
three important voltage levels (VCB, VQCB, and VCR) and  
takes appropriate action as each successive level is  
reached. The first voltage, VCB, is the circuit breaker  
trip point, which is determined by R0A[7:0]. VCB may  
be set to any one of 256 levels up to a maximum  
voltage of VCBMAX, which is a configurable voltage of  
128mV, 256mV, 512mV or 1024mV, as determined by  
R09[5:4]. For example, if VCBMAX is set to 256mV, then  
VCB may be programmed to any value between 0 and  
255mV, in 1mV increments. (Refer to the Register  
Description for more information.) If CBSENSE  
exceeds VCB for a period of time longer than the glitch  
filter delay associated with that input, tCBD (set using  
R06[1:0]), then the device is considered to be in an  
over-current state. Once in an over-current state, the  
SMH4814 will either shut down immediately, or if the  
Current Regulation option is selected (R05[3]), the  
Figure 10 - Circuit Breaker Quick Trip Response  
without current regulation.  
Current Regulation  
The Current Regulation mode is an optional feature  
that provides a means to regulate current through the  
MOSFET for a programmable period of time. This  
mode allows the system to “ride out” temporary  
disruptions that might otherwise cause traditional  
circuit breakers to trip. The Current Regulation trip  
point, VCR, is the third voltage level against which the  
CBSENSE input is compared. VCR is determined by  
register R09[7:6] and is expressed as a percentage  
above the VCB level. There are four choices: 12.5%,  
25%, 50% and 100%. Note that the Quick-Trip level  
VQCB should be chosen to fall above VCR in order for  
Current Regulation to be effective.  
device will begin another timer.  
Refer to the  
description of Current Regulation for more information  
on these actions.  
Current Regulation works by modulating VGATE_HS  
so that CBSENSE is always less than or equal to VCR.  
In order to avoid overheating the MOSFET by  
operating in its linear region for too long, a timer is  
started whenever CBSENSE goes above VCB or  
VGATE_HS falls at least VGT below V12. If either of  
these conditions exist for the duration of the current  
regulation timer, tCR, then the PUP and VGATE  
outputs are shut down. There are actually two  
different Current Regulation timers; R00[7:4] controls  
the timing for the initial VGATE_HS turn on, and  
R04[7:4] controls the timing for all subsequent current  
regulation events.  
Quick-TripTM Circuit Breaker  
The second voltage level that the CBSENSE input is  
compared against is the Quick-Trip™ Circuit Breaker  
level, VQCB  
VQCB is determined by the contents of  
R0B[7:0], in a manner similar to VCB. (Note that the  
value stored in R0B is a 2’s complement number; refer  
to the Register Description for more information.)  
Unlike the VCB comparator, the output of the VQCB  
comparator is  
high-speed, non-filtered signal  
designed to shutdown the MOSFET gate very quickly.  
If the Current Regulation option is not selected, then  
exceeding the Quick-Trip level causes an immediate  
shutdown of the PUP outputs and MOSFET gate;  
however, if Current Regulation is selected, the PUP  
outputs will not be immediately shut off. Refer to the  
description of Current Regulation for more information.  
Summit Microelectronics, Inc  
2080 2.0 07/21/05  