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SMH4042S-AKM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SMH4042S-AKM
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内容描述: 热插拔™控制器 [Hot Swap™ Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 227 K
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accommodated by either adding an additional capacitor the reset level that will be used to signal valid power. For  
between the MOSFET gate and ground or by injecting 3.3V systems, tie VSEL to VCC, for 5V systems, tie VSEL  
current into the ISLEW input. All circuitry on the card is to ground.  
heldinaresetconditionuntilthe5volts (or3.3volt)supply  
is stable and the reset interval timer has timed out the MONITORING POWER SUPPLY HEALTH  
150ms reset time. At this point, the reset signals are de-  
asserted, and proper operation of the card commences. Monitor Inputs  
to monitor the health of the host platform supplies and the  
card-side (backend) voltages. In hot swap applications  
each supply going to the backend logic needs to be  
The SMH4042 will monitor the cards backend voltages.  
Once they are at or above the CARD VTRIP levels, the  
SMH4042 will drive the HEALTHY# output.  
Card Removal Process  
monitored at three points.  
The card removal process operates in the opposite se-  
quence. Fornon-high-availabilitycards, theactionofcard  
removal disconnects the BD_SEL# (short pins) from  
ground and the SMH4042 will instantly shutdown the  
VGATE outputs, change the HEALTHY# status and as-  
sert the LOCAL_PCI_RST# output.  
The first point is at the source on the host connector, VCC  
and HST_3V_MON. If this voltage is not within specifica-  
tion, then the down stream sequencing of powering-on  
the backend logic will not proceed.  
The next stage (the CBI inputs) is one step closer to the  
backend logic to monitor the current flowing into the  
backend logic. This can not exceed the specification;  
however, If it does, then the SMH4042 must turn off the  
source to the backend logic.  
Because connectors to the host backplane employ the  
staggeredpins, powerwillstillbeappliedtotheSMH4042  
and the I/O interface circuits. The LOCAL_PCI_RST#  
signal will place the interface circuits into a high imped-  
ance condition. The pre-charge voltage will be applied to The CARD_5V_MON and CARD_3V_MON inputs are  
the I/Os enabling a graceful disengagement from the used to sense the actual voltage level in the backend  
active bus. Once the I/O pins are free of the backplane logic. If either comparator detects a low voltage condition  
power can then be removed from the SMH4042 and other the backend logic will be placed in a reset condition  
early power devices by releasing the long pins.  
(LOCAL_PCI_RST# asserted), but the VGATE outputs  
will remain active so long as the host voltage and current  
sense are valid.  
The removal process is slightly different for a high-avail-  
ability system. As the ejector handle is rotated the ejector  
switch will open, causing a change of state that will VCC vs. HST_3V_MON  
activate the ENUM# signal to the host. In response to this The VCC input is the supply input and in a CompactPCI  
notification the host will de-assert a hardware controlled application this pin must connect to an early power pin on  
BD_SEL# signal. This action will turn on an indicator LED the host connector. The HST_3V_MON input is strictly a  
onthecard,notifyingtheoperatoritisnowsafetoproceed voltage monitoring input, it is not a supply input. The  
withtheremovalofthecard.Thesequencewillthenfollow operating supply voltage range on the VCC pin is 2.7V to  
that outlined for the non-high-availability removal pro- 5.5V, but it will only monitor a 5V supply. This is not an  
Power Configurations  
The SMH4042 can be used in 5V-only, 3.3V-only and  
mixed voltage systems. For mixed voltage systems, sim-  
ply connect the appropriate bus and card power inputs as  
indicated. The VSEL pin should be grounded.  
For systems with a single power supply, connect VCC and  
HST_3V_MON together to the bus power line. Also con-  
nect CARD_3V_MON and CARD_5V_MON together to  
the card side power. Now the state of VSEL determines  
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