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SMH4042G-AHM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SMH4042G-AHM
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 热插拔™控制器 [Hot Swap™ Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 227 K
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Device Addressing  
Following a start condition the master must output the  
address of the slave it is accessing. The most significant  
four bits of the slave address are the device type identifier  
(see below). For the SMH4042 this is fixed as 1010[B].  
The next two bits select one of four possible devices on  
the bus. The state of the hardwired inputs (A2 and A1)  
correspond to the serial bit stream A2 and A1 in the slave  
address. The next bit is the block select bit, effectively the  
MSB of the byte address.  
The SMH4042 memory is configured as a 512 x 8 array.  
Data are read and written via an industry standard two-  
wire interface. The bus was designed for two-way, two-  
line serial communication between different integrated  
circuits. The two lines are a serial data line (SDA), and a  
serial clock line (SCL). The SDA line must be connected  
to a positive supply by a pull-up resistor, located some-  
where on the bus  
Input Data Protocol  
Read/Write Bit  
The protocol defines any device that sends data onto the  
a receiver.The device controlling data transmission is  
called the masterand the controlled device is called the  
slave.Inallcases, theSMH4042willbeaslavedevice,  
since it never initiates any data transfers.  
The last bit of the data stream defines the operation to be  
performed. When set to 1,a read operation is selected;  
when set to 0,a write operation is selected.  
One data bit is transferred during each clock pulse. The  
data on the SDA line must remain stable during clock  
HIGH time, because changes on the data line while SCL  
is HIGH will be interpreted as start or stop condition.  
B0 R/W  
2037 ILL15.0  
START and STOP Conditions  
Slave Address Byte  
When both the data and clock lines are HIGH, the bus is  
said to be not busy. A HIGH-to-LOW transition on the data  
line, while the clock is HIGH, is defined as the START”  
condition. A LOW-to-HIGH transition on the data line,  
while the clock is HIGH, is defined as the STOP”  
The SMH4042 allows two types of write operations: byte  
writeandpagewrite. Abytewriteoperationwritesasingle  
byte during the nonvolatile write period (tWR). The page  
write operation allows up to 16 bytes in the same page to  
be written during tWR.  
Acknowledge (ACK)  
Acknowledge is a software convention used to indicate  
successful data transfers. The transmitting device, either  
the master or the slave, will release the bus after transmit-  
pull the SDA line LOW to ACKnowledge that it received  
the eight bits of data.  
Byte Write  
After the slave address is sent (to identify the slave  
device, and a read or write operation), a second byte is  
transmitted which contains the 8 bit address of any one of  
the 512 words in the array. Upon receipt of the word  
address, the SMH4042 responds with an ACKnowledge.  
an ACKnowledge. The master then terminates the trans-  
fer by generating a STOP condition, at which time the  
SMH4042 begins the internal write cycle. While the inter-  
nal write cycle is in progress, the SMH4042 inputs are  
disabled, and the device will not respond to any requests  
from the master.  
The SMH4042 will respond with an ACKnowledge after  
recognition of a START condition and its slave address  
byte. If both the device and a write operation are selected,  
the SMH4042 transmits eight bits of data, then releases  
the SDA line, and monitors the line for an ACKnowledge  
signal. If an ACKnowledge is detected, and no STOP  
condition is generated by the master, the SMH4042 will  
continue to transmit data. If an ACKnowledge is not  
detected, the SMH4042 will terminate further data trans-  
missions and awaits a STOP condition before returning to  
the standby power mode.  
Page Write  
The SMH4042 is capable of a 16-byte page write opera-  
tion. It is initiated in the same manner as the byte-write  
operation, but instead of terminating the write cycle after  
the first data word, the master can transmit up to 15 more  
bytesofdata. Afterthereceiptofeachbyte, theSMH4042  
will respond with an ACKnowledge.  
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