STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE
Universal serial bus (USB)
The STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD and STM32F103xE performance line embed a USB
device peripheral compatible with the USB full-speed 12 Mbs. The USB interface
implements a full-speed (12 Mbit/s) function interface. It has software-configurable endpoint
setting and suspend/resume support. The dedicated 48 MHz clock is generated from the
internal main PLL (the clock source must use a HSE crystal oscillator).
GPIOs (general-purpose inputs/outputs)
Each of the GPIO pins can be configured by software as output (push-pull or open-drain), as
input (with or without pull-up or pull-down) or as peripheral alternate function. Most of the
GPIO pins are shared with digital or analog alternate functions. All GPIOs are high current-
capable except for analog inputs.
The I/Os alternate function configuration can be locked if needed following a specific
sequence in order to avoid spurious writing to the I/Os registers.
ADC (analog to digital converter)
Three 12-bit analog-to-digital converters are embedded into STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD
and STM32F103xE performance line devices and each ADC shares up to 21 external
channels, performing conversions in single-shot or scan modes. In scan mode, automatic
conversion is performed on a selected group of analog inputs.
Additional logic functions embedded in the ADC interface allow:
Simultaneous sample and hold
Interleaved sample and hold
Single shunt
The ADC can be served by the DMA controller.
An analog watchdog feature allows very precise monitoring of the converted voltage of one,
some or all selected channels. An interrupt is generated when the converted voltage is
outside the programmed thresholds.
The events generated by the general-purpose timers (TIMx) and the advanced-control
timers (TIM1 and TIM8) can be internally connected to the ADC start trigger and injection
trigger, respectively, to allow the application to synchronize A/D conversion and timers.
DAC (digital-to-analog converter)
The two 12-bit buffered DAC channels can be used to convert two digital signals into two
analog voltage signal outputs. The chosen design structure is composed of integrated
resistor strings and an amplifier in inverting configuration.
Doc ID 14611 Rev 8