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M29W320EB70N6E 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M29W320EB70N6E
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内容描述: 32兆位(4MB X8或X16的2Mb ,引导块) 3V供应闪存 [32 Mbit (4Mb x8 or 2Mb x16, Boot Block) 3V Supply Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存存储内存集成电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 887 K
 浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第7页浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第8页浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第9页浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第11页浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第12页浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号M29W320EB70N6E的Datasheet PDF文件第14页  
M29W320ET, M29W320EB  
See Figure 2., Logic Diagram, and Table  
1., Signal Names, for a brief overview of the sig-  
nals connected to this device.  
Address Inputs (A0-A20). The Address Inputs  
select the cells in the memory array to access dur-  
ing Bus Read operations. During Bus Write opera-  
tions they control the commands sent to the  
Command Interface of the Program/Erase Con-  
Data Inputs/Outputs (DQ0-DQ7). The Data I/O  
outputs the data stored at the selected address  
during a Bus Read operation. During Bus Write  
operations they represent the commands sent to  
the Command Interface of the Program/Erase  
Data Inputs/Outputs (DQ8-DQ14). The Data I/O  
outputs the data stored at the selected address  
during a Bus Read operation when BYTE is High,  
VIH. When BYTE is Low, VIL, these pins are not  
used and are high impedance. During Bus Write  
operations the Command Register does not use  
these bits. When reading the Status Register  
these bits should be ignored.  
ignored while VPP/Write Protect is Low, even when  
RP is at VID.  
When VPP/Write Protect is High, VIH, the memory  
reverts to the previous protection status of the two  
outermost boot blocks. Program and Erase oper-  
ations can now modify the data in these blocks un-  
less the blocks are protected using Block  
When VPP/Write Protect is raised to VPP the mem-  
ory automatically enters the Unlock Bypass mode.  
When VPP/Write Protect returns to VIH or VIL nor-  
mal operation resumes. During Unlock Bypass  
Program operations the memory draws IPP from  
the pin to supply the programming circuits. See the  
description of the Unlock Bypass command in the  
Command Interface section. The transitions from  
VIH to VPP and from VPP to VIH must be slower  
than tVHVPP, see Figure 17.  
Never raise VPP/Write Protect to VPP from any  
mode except Read mode, otherwise the memory  
may be left in an indeterminate state.  
The VPP/Write Protect pin must not be left floating  
or unconnected or the device may become unreli-  
able. A 0.1µF capacitor should be connected be-  
tween the VPP/Write Protect pin and the VSS  
Ground pin to decouple the current surges from  
the power supply. The PCB track widths must be  
sufficient to carry the currents required during  
Data Input/Output or Address Input (DQ15A–1).  
When BYTE is High, VIH, this pin behaves as a  
Data Input/Output pin (as DQ8-DQ14). When  
BYTE is Low, VIL, this pin behaves as an address  
pin; DQ15A–1 Low will select the LSB of the ad-  
dressed Word, DQ15A–1 High will select the MSB.  
Throughout the text consider references to the  
Data Input/Output to include this pin when BYTE is  
High and references to the Address Inputs to in-  
clude this pin when BYTE is Low except when  
stated explicitly otherwise.  
Unlock Bypass Program, IPP  
Reset/Block Temporary Unprotect (RP). The  
Reset/Block Temporary Unprotect pin can be  
used to apply a Hardware Reset to the memory or  
to temporarily unprotect all Blocks that have been  
Chip Enable (E). The Chip Enable, E, activates  
the memory, allowing Bus Read and Bus Write op-  
erations to be performed. When Chip Enable is  
High, VIH, all other pins are ignored.  
Output Enable (G). The Output Enable, G, con-  
trols the Bus Read operation of the memory.  
Note that if VPP/WP is at VIL, then the two outer-  
most boot blocks will remain protected even if RP  
is at VID.  
A Hardware Reset is achieved by holding Reset/  
Block Temporary Unprotect Low, VIL, for at least  
tPLPX. After Reset/Block Temporary Unprotect  
goes High, VIH, the memory will be ready for Bus  
Read and Bus Write operations after tPHEL or  
tRHEL, whichever occurs last. See the Ready/Busy  
Output section, Table 16. and Figure 16., Reset/  
Block Temporary Unprotect AC Waveforms, for  
more details.  
Holding RP at VID will temporarily unprotect the  
protected Blocks in the memory. Program and  
Erase operations on all blocks will be possible.  
The transition from VIH to VID must be slower than  
Write Enable (W). The Write Enable, W, controls  
the Bus Write operation of the memory’s Com-  
mand Interface.  
PP/Write Protect (VPP/WP). The  
Protect pin provides two functions. The VPP func-  
tion allows the memory to use an external high  
voltage power supply to reduce the time required  
for Program operations. This is achieved by by-  
passing the unlock cycles and/or using the Double  
Word or Quadruple Byte Program commands.  
The Write Protect function provides a hardware  
method of protecting the two outermost boot  
blocks. When VPP/Write Protect is Low, VIL, the  
memory protects the two outermost boot blocks;  
Program and Erase operations in these blocks are  
Ready/Busy Output (RB). The Ready/Busy pin  
is an open-drain output that can be used to identify  
when the device is performing a Program or Erase  
operation. During Program or Erase operations  