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SST26VF032-80-5I-S2E 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SST26VF032-80-5I-S2E
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内容描述: 四路串行I / O ( SQI )快闪记忆体 [Serial Quad I/O (SQI) Flash Memory]
文件页数/大小: 39 页 / 1252 K
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Serial Quad I/O (SQI) Flash Memory  
SST26VF016 / SST26VF032  
Data Sheet  
Index Jump  
Index Jump allows the host to read data using relative addressing instead of absolute addressing; in  
some cases this reduces the number of input clocks required to access data. The SST26VF016/032  
support three Index Jump options:  
Read Page-Index-jump to address index within 256 Byte page  
Read Index-jump to address index within 64 KByte block  
Read Block-Index - jump to address index in another 64 KByte block.  
Index Jumps following a Burst Read command are referenced from the last input address. For exam-  
ple, the device initiates a 64-Byte Read Burst instruction from address location 1EH and outputs an  
arbitrary number of Bytes. When the device issues a Read Page-Index instruction with 40H as the off-  
set, the device will output data from address location 5EH. Index Jump operations following a High  
Speed Read (continuous read) instruction are referenced from the last address from which the full byte  
of data was output.  
Data output by any of the Index-Jump commands follows the pattern of the last non-Index-Jump com-  
mand. For example, a Read Page-Index command following a Read Burst, with 64-Byte wrap length,  
will continue to deliver data that wraps at 64-Byte boundaries after jumping to the address specified in  
the Read Page-Index command.  
Read Page-Index (Read PI)  
The Read Page-Index (Read PI) instruction increments the address counter within a page of 256  
Bytes. To execute a Read PI operation the host drives CE# low then sends the Read PI command  
cycle (08H), one address cycle, and one dummy cycle. Each cycle is two nibbles (clocks) long, most  
significant nibble first.  
The address cycle contain a two’s complement number that specifies the number of bytes and direc-  
tion the address pointer will jump. For example, to jump ahead 127 Bytes A1:A0 = 7FH; to jump back  
127 Bytes A1:A0 = 81H.  
The Read PI command does not cross 256 Byte page boundaries. If the jump distance exceeds the  
256 Byte boundary, the address pointer wraps around to the beginning of the page, if the jump is for-  
ward, or to the end of the page, if the jump is backward. After the dummy cycle, the device outputs data  
on the falling edge of the SCK signal starting from the specified address location.  
Read Index  
The Read Index (Read I) instruction increments the address counter a specified number of bytes within  
a 64 KByte block. To execute a Read I operation the host drives CE# low then sends the Read I com-  
mand cycle (09H), two address cycles, and two dummy cycles. Each cycle is two nibbles (clocks) long,  
most significant nibble first.  
The address cycles contain a two’s complement number that specifies the number of bytes and direc-  
tion the address pointer will jump. For example, to jump ahead 256 Bytes, the address cycles would be  
0100H; to jump back 256 Bytes, the address cycles would be FF00H.  
The Read I command can not cross 64 KByte block boundaries, but it can cross boundaries of smaller  
blocks. If the jump distance exceeds the 64 KByte block boundary, the address pointer wraps around  
to the beginning of the block, if the jump is forward, and to the end of the block, if the jump is backward.  
After the dummy cycles, the device outputs data on the falling edge of the SCK signal starting from the  
specified address location.  
©2010 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.  