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AM29DL320GT70WMF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM29DL320GT70WMF
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内容描述: 对于涉及TSOP封装的新设计, S29JL032H将取代Am29DL320G ,是厂家推荐的迁移路径。 [For new designs involving TSOP packages, S29JL032H supercedes Am29DL320G and is the factory-recommended migration path.]
分类和应用: 闪存内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 58 页 / 1241 K
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VHH on the WP#/ACC pin, the device automatically en-  
ters the Unlock Bypass mode. The system may then  
write the two-cycle Unlock Bypass program command  
sequence. The device uses the higher voltage on the  
WP#/ACC pin to accelerate the operation. Note that  
the WP#/ACC pin must not be at VHH any operation  
other than accelerated programming, or device dam-  
age may result. In addition, the WP#/ACC pin must not  
be left floating or unconnected; inconsistent behavior  
of the device may result.  
algorithm. The device does not require the system to  
preprogram prior to erase. The Embedded Erase algo-  
rithm automatically preprograms and verifies the entire  
memory for an all zero data pattern prior to electrical  
erase. The system is not required to provide any con-  
trols or timings during these operations. Table 13  
shows the address and data requirements for the chip  
erase command sequence.  
When the Embedded Erase algorithm is complete,  
that bank returns to the read mode and addresses are  
no longer latched. The system can determine the sta-  
tus of the erase operation by using DQ7, DQ6, DQ2,  
or RY/BY#. Refer to the Write Operation Status sec-  
tion for information on these status bits.  
Figure 4 illustrates the algorithm for the program oper-  
ation. Refer to the Erase and Program Operations  
table in the AC Characteristics section for parameters,  
and Figure 18 for timing diagrams.  
Any commands written during the chip erase operation  
are ignored. However, note that a hardware reset im-  
mediately terminates the erase operation. If that oc-  
curs, the chip erase command sequence should be  
reinitiated once that bank has returned to reading  
array data, to ensure data integrity.  
Figure 5 illustrates the algorithm for the erase opera-  
tion. Refer to the Erase and Program Operations ta-  
bles in the AC Characteristics section for parameters,  
and Figure 20 section for timing diagrams.  
Write Program  
Command Sequence  
Data Poll  
from System  
Sector Erase Command Sequence  
Sector erase is a six bus cycle operation. The sector  
erase command sequence is initiated by writing two  
unlock cycles, followed by a set-up command. Two ad-  
ditional unlock cycles are written, and are then fol-  
lowed by the address of the sector to be erased, and  
the sector erase command. Table 13 shows the ad-  
dress and data requirements for the sector erase com-  
mand sequence.  
in progress  
Verify Data?  
The device does not require the system to preprogram  
prior to erase. The Embedded Erase algorithm auto-  
matically programs and verifies the entire memory for  
an all zero data pattern prior to electrical erase. The  
system is not required to provide any controls or tim-  
ings during these operations.  
Increment Address  
Last Address?  
After the command sequence is written, a sector erase  
time-out of 50 µs occurs. During the time-out period,  
additional sector addresses and sector erase com-  
mands (for sectors within the same bank) may be writ-  
ten. Loading the sector erase buffer may be done in  
any sequence, and the number of sectors may be from  
one sector to all sectors. The time between these ad-  
ditional cycles must be less than 50 µs, otherwise era-  
sure may begin. Any sector erase address and  
command following the exceeded time-out may or may  
not be accepted. It is recommended that processor in-  
terrupts be disabled during this time to ensure all com-  
mands are accepted. The interrupts can be re-enabled  
after the last Sector Erase command is written. Any  
command other than Sector Erase or Erase Sus-  
Note: See Table 13 for program command sequence.  
Figure 4. Program Operation  
Chip Erase Command Sequence  
Chip erase is a six bus cycle operation. The chip erase  
command sequence is initiated by writing two unlock  
cycles, followed by a set-up command. Two additional  
unlock write cycles are then followed by the chip erase  
command, which in turn invokes the Embedded Erase  
September 27, 2004  