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AM29BL162CB90RZI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM29BL162CB90RZI
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内容描述: 16兆位( 1一M× 16位) CMOS 3.0伏只突发模式闪存 [16 Megabit (1 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only Burst Mode Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 50 页 / 843 K
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D A T A S H E E T  
Reading Array Data in Burst Mode  
Writing specific address and data commands or se-  
quences into the command register initiates device op-  
erations. Table 8 defines the valid register command  
sequences. Writing incorrect address and data val-  
ues or writing them in the improper sequence resets  
the device to reading array data.  
The device powers up in the non-burst mode. To read  
array data in burst mode, the system must write the  
four-cycle Burst Mode Enable command sequence  
(see Table 8). The device then enters burst mode. In  
addition to asserting CE#, OE#, and WE# control sig-  
nals, burst mode operation requires that the system  
provide appropriate LBA#, BAA#, and CLK signals. For  
successful burst mode reads, the following events must  
occur (refer to Figures 3 and 4 for this discussion):  
All addresses are latched on the falling edge of  
WE# or CE#, whichever happens later. All data is  
latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever  
happens first. Refer to the appropriate timing diagrams  
in the AC Characteristics section.  
1. The system asserts LBA# low, indicating to the de-  
vice that a valid initial burst address is available on  
the address bus. LBA# must be kept low until at  
least the next rising edge of the CLK signal, upon  
which the device loads the initial burst address.  
Reading Array Data in Non-burst Mode  
The device is automatically set to reading array data  
after device power-up. No commands are required to  
retrieve data. The device is also ready to read array  
data after completing an Embedded Program or Em-  
bedded Erase algorithm.  
2. The system returns LBA# to a logic high. The device  
requires that the next rising edge of CLK occur with  
LBA# high for proper burst mode operation. Typi-  
cally, the initial number of CLK cycles depends on  
the clock frequency and the rated speed of the de-  
After the device accepts an Erase Suspend com-  
mand, the device enters the Erase Suspend mode.  
The system can read array data using the standard  
read timings, except that if it reads at an address  
within erase-suspended sectors, the device outputs  
status data. After completing a programming opera-  
tion in the Erase Suspend mode, the system may  
once again read array data with the same exception.  
See “Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Commands” for  
more information on this mode.  
3. After the initial data has been read, the system as-  
serts BAA# low to indicate it is ready to read the re-  
maining burst read cycles. Each successive rising  
edge of the CLK signal then causes the flash device  
to increment the burst address and output sequen-  
tial burst data.  
4. When the device outputs the last word of data in the  
32-word burst mode read sequence, the device out-  
puts a logic low on the IND# pin. This indicates to  
the system that the burst mode read sequence is  
The system must issue the reset command to re-en-  
able the device for reading array data if DQ5 goes high,  
or while in the autoselect mode. See the “Reset Com-  
mand” section, next.  
5. To exit the burst mode, the system must write the  
four-cycle Burst Mode Disable command sequence.  
The device also exits the burst mode if powered  
down or if RESET# is asserted. The device does not  
exit the burst mode if the reset command is written.  
See also “Requirements for Reading Array Data Array in  
Asynchronous (Non-Burst) Mode” in the “Key to Switch-  
ing Waveforms” section for more information. The Read  
Operations table provides the read parameters, and  
Figure 15 shows the timing diagram.  
July 8, 2005  