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AM29BDS320GBD9VMI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 32兆位(2M ×16位) , 1.8伏只同时读/写,突发模式闪存 [32 Megabit (2 M x 16-Bit), 1.8 Volt-only Simultaneous Read/Write, Burst Mode Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存存储内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 74 页 / 1108 K
 浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第12页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第19页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD9VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第20页  
P r e l i m i n a r y  
boundary while the device is programming or erasing, the device will provide read  
status information. The clock will be ignored. After the host has completed status  
reads, or the device has completed the program or erase operation, the host can  
restart a burst operation using a new address and AVD# pulse.  
If the clock frequency is less than 6 MHz during a burst mode operation, addi-  
tional latencies will occur. RDY indicates the length of the latency by pulsing low.  
8-, 16-, and 32-Word Linear Burst with Wrap Around  
The remaining three modes are of the linear wrap around design, in which a fixed  
number of words are read from consecutive addresses. In each of these modes,  
the burst addresses read are determined by the group within which the starting  
address falls. The groups are sized according to the number of words read in a  
single burst sequence for a given mode (see Table 2.)  
Table 2. Burst Address Groups  
Group Size  
8 words  
Group Address Ranges  
0-7h, 8-Fh, 10-17h, ...  
16 words  
32 words  
0-Fh, 10-1Fh, 20-2Fh, ...  
00-1Fh, 20-3Fh, 40-5Fh, ...  
As an example: if the starting address in the 8-word mode is 39h, the address  
range to be read would be 38-3Fh, and the burst sequence would be 39-3A-3B-  
3C-3D-3E-3F-38h-etc. The burst sequence begins with the starting address writ-  
ten to the device, but wraps back to the first address in the selected group. In a  
similar fashion, the 16-word and 32-word Linear Wrap modes begin their burst  
sequence on the starting address written to the device, and then wrap back to  
the first address in the selected address group. Note that in these three burst  
read modes the address pointer does not cross the boundary that occurs  
every 64 words; thus, no wait states are inserted (except during the ini-  
tial access).  
The RDY pin indicates when data is valid on the bus. The devices can wrap  
through a maximum of 128 words of data (8 words up to 16 times, 16 words up  
to 8 times, or 32 words up to 4 times) before requiring a new synchronous access  
(latching of a new address).  
Burst Mode Configuration Register  
The device uses a configuration register to set the various burst parameters:  
number of wait states, burst read mode, active clock edge, RDY configuration,  
and synchronous mode active.  
Reduced Wait-State Handshaking Option  
The device can be equipped with a reduced wait-state handshaking feature that  
allows the host system to simply monitor the RDY signal from the device to de-  
termine when the initial word of burst data is ready to be read. The host system  
should use the programmable wait state configuration to set the number of wait  
states for optimal burst mode operation. The initial word of burst data is indicated  
by the rising edge of RDY after OE# goes low.  
The presence of the reduced wait-state handshaking feature may be verified by  
writing the autoselect command sequence to the device. See “Autoselect Com-  
mand Sequence” for details.  
27243B1 October 1, 2003  