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AM29BDS320GBD8VMI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

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内容描述: 32兆位(2M ×16位) , 1.8伏只同时读/写,突发模式闪存 [32 Megabit (2 M x 16-Bit), 1.8 Volt-only Simultaneous Read/Write, Burst Mode Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 74 页 / 1108 K
 浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第16页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第19页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第20页浏览型号AM29BDS320GBD8VMI的Datasheet PDF文件第21页  
P r e l i m i n a r y  
For optimal burst mode performance on devices without the reduced wait-state  
handshaking option, the host system must set the appropriate number of wait  
states in the flash device depending on clock frequency and the presence of a  
boundary crossing. See “Set Burst Mode Configuration Register Command Se-  
quence” section on page 25 section for more information. The device will  
automatically delay RDY and data by one additional clock cycle when the starting  
address is odd.  
The autoselect function allows the host system to determine whether the flash  
device is enabled for reduced wait-state handshaking. See the “Autoselect Com-  
mand Sequence” section for more information.  
Simultaneous Read/Write Operations with Zero Latency  
This device is capable of reading data from one bank of memory while program-  
ming or erasing in another bank of memory. An erase operation may also be  
suspended to read from or program to another location within the same bank (ex-  
cept the sector being erased). Figure 33, “Back-to-Back Read/Write Cycle  
Timings,on page 69 shows how read and write cycles may be initiated for simul-  
taneous operation with zero latency. Refer to the DC Characteristics table for  
read-while-program and read-while-erase current specifications.  
Writing Commands/Command Sequences  
The device has the capability of performing an asynchronous or synchronous  
write operation. During a synchronous write operation, to write a command or  
command sequence (which includes programming data to the device and erasing  
sectors of memory), the system must drive AVD# and CE# to VIL, and OE# to  
VIH when providing an address to the device, and drive WE# and CE# to VIL, and  
OE# to VIH. when writing commands or data. During an asynchronous write op-  
eration, the system must drive CE#, WE#, and CLK to VIL and OE# to VIH when  
providing an address, command, and data. The asynchronous and synchronous  
programing operation is independent of the Set Device Read Mode bit in the Burst  
Mode Configuration Register.  
The device features an Unlock Bypass mode to facilitate faster programming.  
Once the device enters the Unlock Bypass mode, only two write cycles are re-  
quired to program a word, instead of four.  
An erase operation can erase one sector, multiple sectors, or the entire device.  
Table 8, “Programmable Wait State Settings,on page 27 indicates the address  
space that each sector occupies. The device address space is divided into four  
banks: Banks B and C contain only 32 Kword sectors, while Banks A and D contain  
both 8 Kword boot sectors in addition to 32 Kword sectors. A “bank address” is  
the address bits required to uniquely select a bank. Similarly, a sector address”  
is the address bits required to uniquely select a sector.  
ICC2 in the DC Characteristics table represents the active current specification for  
the write mode. The AC Characteristics section contains timing specification ta-  
bles and timing diagrams for write operations.  
Accelerated Program Operation  
The device offers accelerated program operations through the ACC function. ACC  
is primarily intended to allow faster manufacturing throughput at the factory.  
If the system asserts VID on this input, the device automatically enters the afore-  
mentioned Unlock Bypass mode and uses the higher voltage on the input to  
reduce the time required for program operations. The system would use a two-  
October 1, 2003 27243B1  