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AM29BDS128HD9VMI 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM29BDS128HD9VMI
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 128或64兆比特( 8 M或4米×16位) CMOS 1.8伏只同步读/写,突发模式闪存 [128 or 64 Megabit (8 M or 4 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 1.8 Volt-only Simultaneous Read/Write, Burst Mode Flash Memory]
分类和应用: 闪存
文件页数/大小: 89 页 / 1587 K
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D A T A S H E E T  
Locking Bit. This will permanently set the part to op-  
dividual PPBs are programmable. It is the responsibil-  
ity of the user to perform the preprogramming  
operation. Otherwise, an already erased sector PPBs  
has the potential of being over-erased. There is no  
hardware mechanism to prevent sector PPBs  
erate only using Persistent Sector Protection. If the  
customer decides to use the password method, they  
must set the Password Mode Locking Bit. This will  
permanently set the part to operate only using pass-  
word sector protection.  
It is important to remember that setting either the Per-  
sistent Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit or the  
Password Mode Locking Bit permanently selects the  
protection mode. It is not possible to switch between  
the two methods once a locking bit has been set. It is  
important that one mode is explicitly selected  
when the device is first programmed, rather than  
relying on the default mode alone. This is so that it  
is not possible for a system program or virus to later  
set the Password Mode Locking Bit, which would  
cause an unexpected shift from the default Persistent  
Sector Protection Mode into the Password Protection  
Persistent Protection Bit Lock (PPB Lock)  
A global volatile bit. When set to “1”, the PPBs cannot  
be changed. When cleared (“0”), the PPBs are  
changeable. There is only one PPB Lock bit per de-  
vice. The PPB Lock is cleared after power-up or hard-  
ware reset. There is no command sequence to unlock  
the PPB Lock.  
Dynamic Protection Bit (DYB)  
A volatile protection bit is assigned for each sector.  
After power-up or hardware reset, the contents of all  
DYBs is “0”. Each DYB is individually modifiable  
through the DYB Write Command.  
The device is shipped with all sectors unprotected.  
AMD offers the option of programming and protecting  
sectors at the factory prior to shipping the device  
through AMD’s ExpressFlash™ Service. Contact an  
AMD representative for details.  
When the parts are first shipped, the PPBs are  
cleared. The DYBs and PPB Lock are defaulted to  
power up in the cleared state – meaning the PPBs are  
When the device is first powered on the DYBs power  
up cleared (sectors not protected). The Protection  
State for each sector is determined by the logical OR  
of the PPB and the DYB related to that sector. For the  
sectors that have the PPBs cleared, the DYBs control  
whether or not the sector is protected or unprotected.  
By issuing the DYB Write command sequences, the  
DYBs will be set or cleared, thus placing each sector in  
the protected or unprotected state. These are the  
so-called Dynamic Locked or Unlocked states. They  
are called dynamic states because it is very easy to  
switch back and forth between the protected and un-  
protected conditions. This allows software to easily  
protect sectors against inadvertent changes yet does  
not prevent the easy removal of protection when  
changes are needed. The DYBs maybe set or cleared  
as often as needed.  
It is possible to determine whether a sector is pro-  
tected or unprotected. See “Autoselect Command Se-  
quence” section on page 36 for details.  
Persistent Sector Protection  
The Persistent Sector Protection method replaces the  
old 12 V controlled protection method while at the  
same time enhancing flexibility by providing three dif-  
ferent sector protection states:  
Persistently Locked—A sector is protected and  
cannot be changed.  
Dynamically Locked—The sector is protected and  
can be changed by a simple command  
Unlocked—The sector is unprotected and can be  
changed by a simple command  
In order to achieve these states, three types of “bits”  
are going to be used:  
The PPBs allow for a more static, and difficult to  
change, level of protection. The PPBs retain their state  
across power cycles because they are Non-Volatile.  
Individual PPBs are set with a command but must all  
be cleared as a group through a complex sequence of  
program and erasing commands. The PPBs are also  
limited to 100 erase cycles.  
Persistent Protection Bit (PPB)  
A single Persistent (non-volatile) Protection Bit is as-  
signed to a maximum four sectors (“Am29BDS128H  
Boot Sector/Sector Block Addresses for Protec-  
tion/Unprotection” section on page 16). All 4 Kbyte  
boot-block sectors have individual sector Persistent  
Protection Bits (PPBs) for greater flexibility. Each PPB  
is individually modifiable through the PPB Program  
The PBB Lock bit adds an additional level of protec-  
tion. Once all PPBs are programmed to the desired  
settings, the PPB Lock may be set to “1”. Setting the  
PPB Lock disables all program and erase commands  
to the Non-Volatile PPBs. In effect, the PPB Lock Bit  
locks the PPBs into their current state. The only way to  
clear the PPB Lock is to go through a power cycle.  
Note: If a PPB requires erasure, all of the sector PPBs  
must first be preprogrammed prior to PPB erasing. All  
PPBs erase in parallel, unlike programming where in-  
27024B3 May 10, 2006  