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AM29BDD160GB54DPBF 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM29BDD160GB54DPBF
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Flash, 512KX32, 54ns, PBGA80, 13 X 11 MM, 1 MM PITCH, FORTIFIED, BGA-80]
分类和应用: 内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 79 页 / 1482 K
 浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第39页浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第40页浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第41页浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第42页浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第44页浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第45页浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第46页浏览型号AM29BDD160GB54DPBF的Datasheet PDF文件第47页  
tions while they are in progress, thus making the  
SecSi sector unavailable for reading. If the SecSi sec-  
tor is enabled while the DYB command is issued, the  
DYB for the overlayed sector is NOT updated. Read-  
ing the DYB status using the PPB Lock Bit/DYBDYB  
verify command when the SecSi sector is enabled re-  
turns invalid data.  
SecSi Sector Entry Command  
The SecSi Sector Entry command enables the SecSi  
(OTP) sector to overlay the 8 KB outermost sector in  
the small (25%) bank. The SecSi sector overlays  
00000h–0003Fh for the top bootblock configuration  
and 7FFC0h–7FFFFh for the bottom bootblock confiu-  
ration. Address range 00040h–007FFh for the top  
bootblock and 7F800h–7FFBFh return invalid data  
when addressed with the SecSi sector enabled. The  
following commands are permitted after issuing the  
SecSi Sector Entry command:  
Password Program Command  
The Password Program Command permits program-  
ming the password that is used as part of the hard-  
ware protection scheme. The actual password is  
64-bits long. Depending upon the state of the WORD#  
pin, multiple Password Program Commands are re-  
quired. For a x16 bit data bus, 4 Password Program  
commands are required to program the password. For  
a x32 bit data bus, 2 Password Program commands  
are required. The user must enter the unlock cycle,  
password program command (38h) and the program  
address/data for each portion of the password when  
programming. There are no provisions for entering the  
2-cycle unlock cycle, the password program com-  
mand, and all the password data. There is no special  
addressing order required for programming the pass-  
word. Also, when the password is undergoing pro-  
gramming, Simultaneous Operation is disabled. Read  
operations to any memory location will return the pro-  
gramming status. Once programming is complete, the  
user must issue a Read/Reset command to return the  
device to normal operation. Once the Password is  
written and verified, the Password Mode Locking Bit  
must be set in order to prevent verification. The Pass-  
word Program Command is only capable of program-  
ming “0”s. Programming a 1” after a cell is  
programmed as a “0” results in a time-out by the Em-  
bedded Program Algorithm™ with the cell remaining  
as a “0”. The password is all F’s when shipped from  
the factory. All 64-bit password combinations are valid  
as a password.  
1. Autoselect  
2. Password Program (x16 and x32)  
3. Password Verify  
4. Password Unlock (x16 and x32)  
5. Read/Reset  
6. Program  
7. Chip and Sector Erase  
8. SecSi Sector Protection Bit Program  
9. PPB Program  
10.All PPB Erase  
11.PPB Lock Bit Set  
12.DYB Write  
13.DYB/PPB/PPB Lock Bit Verify  
14.Security Reset  
15.Configuration Register Write  
16.Configuration Register Read  
The following commands are unavailable when the  
SecSi sector is enabled. Issuing the following com-  
mands while the SecSi sector is enabled results in the  
command being ignored.  
1. Unlock Bypass  
2. CFI  
Password Programming is permitted if the SecSi sec-  
tor is enabled.  
3. Accelerated Program  
4. Program and Sector Erase Suspend  
5. Program and Sector Erase Resume  
Password Verify Command  
The Password Verify Command is used to verify the  
Password. The Password is verifiable only when the  
Password Mode Locking Bit is not programmed. If the  
Password Mode Locking Bit is programmed and the  
user attempts to verify the Password, the device will  
always drive all F’s onto the DQ data bus.  
The SecSi Sector Entry command is allowed when the  
device is in either program or erase suspend modes. If  
the SecSi sector is enabled, the program or erase sus-  
pend command is ignored. This prevents resuming ei-  
ther programming or erasure on the SecSi sector if the  
overlayed sector was undergoing programming or era-  
sure. The host system must ensure that the device  
resume any suspended program or erase opera-  
tion after exiting the SecSi sector.  
The Password Verify command is permitted if the  
SecSi sector is enabled. Also, the device will not oper-  
ate in Simultaneous Operation when the Password  
Verify command is executed. Only the password is re-  
turned regardless of the bank address. The lower two  
address bits (A0:A-1) are valid during the Password  
Executing any of the PPB program/erase commands,  
or Password Unlock command results in the small  
bank (25% bank) returning the status of these opera-  
June 7, 2006  