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SN8F2288 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SN8F2288
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内容描述: 8位微控制器 [8-Bit Micro-Controller]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 163 页 / 3660 K
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SN8F2280 Series  
USB 2.0 Full-Speed 8-Bit Micro-Controller  
13.7.6 Master Mode Transmission  
Transmission a data byte, 7-bit address or the eight bit data is accomplished by simply write to MSPBUF register. This  
operation will set the Buffer Full flag BF and allow MSP rate generator start counting.  
After write to MSPBUF, each bit of address will be shifted out on the falling edge of SCL until 7-bit address and R/W bit  
are complete. On the falling edge of eighth clock, the master will pull low SDA fort slave device respond with an  
acknowledge. On the ninth clock falling edge, SDA is sampled to indicate the address already accept by slave device.  
The status of the ACK bit is load into ACKSTAT status bit. Then MSPIRQ bit is set, the BF bit is clear and the MRG is  
hold off until another write to the MSPBUF occurs, holding SCL low and allow SDA floating.  
BF Status Flag  
In transmission mode, the BF bit is set when user writes to MSPBUF and is cleared automatically when all 8 bit data  
are shift out.  
WCOL Flag  
If user write to MSPBUF during Transmission sequence in progress, the WCOL bit is set and the content of MSPBUF  
data will unchanged.  
ACKSTAT Status Flag  
In transmission mode, the ACKSTAT bit is cleared when the slave has sent an acknowledge (ACK_=0), and is set  
when slave does not acknowledge (ACK_=1). A slave send an acknowledge when it has recognized its address  
(including general call), or when the slave has properly received the data.  
MSP Master Transmission Mode Timing Diagram  
Page 146  
Version 1.1  