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LAN9215I-MT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LAN9215I-MT
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内容描述: 高效的单芯片10/100以太网控制器与HP Auto-MDIX的和工业温度支持 [Highly Efficient Single-Chip 10/100 Ethernet Controller with HP Auto-MDIX and Industrial Temperature Support]
分类和应用: 外围集成电路数据传输控制器局域网以太网局域网(LAN)标准时钟
文件页数/大小: 134 页 / 1602 K
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Highly Efficient Single-Chip 10/100 Ethernet Controller with HP Auto-MDIX and Industrial Temperature Support  
Power-On Reset (POR)  
A Power-On reset occurs whenever power is initially applied to the LAN9215I, or if power is removed  
and reapplied to the LAN9215I. A timer within the LAN9215I will assert the internal reset for  
approximately 22ms. The READY bit in the PMT_CTRL register can be read from the host interface  
and will read back a ‘0’ until the POR is complete. Upon completion of the POR, the READY bit in  
PMT_CTRL is set high, and the LAN9215I can be configured via its control registers.  
APPLICATION NOTE: Under normal conditions, the READY bit in PMT_CTRL will be set (high -”1”) after an internal  
reset (22ms). If the software driver polls this bit and it is not set within 100ms, then an error  
condition occurred.  
Hardware Reset Input (nRESET)  
A hardware reset will occur when the nRESET input signal is driven low. The READY bit in the  
PMT_CTRL register can be read from the host interface, and will read back a ‘0’ until the hardware  
reset is complete. Upon completion of the hardware reset, the READY bit in PMT_CTRL is set high.  
After the “READY” bit is set, the LAN9215I can be configured via its control registers. The nRESET  
signal is pulled-high internally by the LAN9215I and can be left unconnected if unused. If used,  
nRESET must be driven low for a minimum period as defined in Section 6.8, "Reset Timing," on  
page 127.  
APPLICATION NOTE: Under normal conditions, the READY bit in PMT_CTRL will be set (high -”1”) immediately. If  
the software driver polls this bit and it is not set within 100ms, then an error condition  
Resume Reset Timing  
After issuing a write to the BYTE_TEST register to wake the LAN9215I from a power-down state, the  
READY bit in PMT_CTRL will assert (set High) within 2ms.  
APPLICATION NOTE: Under normal conditions, the READY bit in PMT_CTRL will be set (high -”1”) within 2 ms. If  
the software driver polls this bit and it is not set within 100ms, then an error condition  
Soft Reset (SRST)  
Soft reset is initiated by writing a ‘1’ to bit 0 of the HW_CFG register (SRST). This self-clearing bit will  
return to ‘0’ after approximately 2 μs, at which time the Soft Reset is complete. Soft reset does not  
clear control register bits marked as NASR.  
APPLICATION NOTE: Under normal conditions, the READY bit in PMT_CTRL will be set (high -”1”) immediately,  
(within 2μs). If the software driver polls this bit and it is not set within 100ms, then an error  
condition occurred.  
PHY Reset Timing  
The following sections and tables specify the operation and time required for the internal PHY to  
become operational after various resets or when returning from the reduced power state.  
PHY Soft Reset via PMT_CTRL bit 10 (PHY_RST)  
The PHY soft reset is initiated by writing a ‘1’ to bit 10 of the PMT_CTRL register (PHY_RST). This  
self-clearing bit will return to ‘0’ after approximately 100 μs, at which time the PHY reset is complete.  
Revision 1.5 (07-18-06)  