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LAN9118_07 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LAN9118_07
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内容描述: 高性能单芯片10/100非PCI以太网控制器 [High Performance Single-Chip 10/100 Non-PCI Ethernet Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器PC以太网局域网(LAN)标准
文件页数/大小: 129 页 / 1455 K
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High Performance Single-Chip 10/100 Non-PCI Ethernet Controller  
TX Data Path Operation  
Data is queued for transmission by writing it into the TX data FIFO. Each packet to be transmitted may  
be divided among multiple buffers. Each buffer starts with a two DWORD TX command (TX command  
‘A’ and TX command ‘B’). The TX command instructs the LAN9118 on the handling of the associated  
buffer. Packet boundaries are delineated using control bits within the TX command.  
The host provides a 16-bit Packet Tag field in the TX command. The Packet Tag value is appended  
to the corresponding TX status DWORD. All Packet Tag fields must have the same value for all buffers  
in a given packet. If tags differ between buffers in the same packet the TXE error will be asserted. Any  
value may be chosen for a Packet Tag as long as all tags in the same Packet are identical. Packet  
Tags also provide a method of synchronization between transmitted packets and their associated  
status. Software can use unique Packet Tags to assist with validating matching status completions.  
Note 3.13 The use of packet tags is not required by the hardware. This is a software LAN driver only  
application example for use of this field.  
A Packet Length field in the TX command specifies the number of bytes in the associated packet. All  
Packet Length fields must have the same value for all buffers in a given packet. Hardware compares  
the Packet Length field and the actual amount of data received by the Ethernet controller. If the actual  
packet length count does not match the Packet Length field as defined in the TX command, the  
Transmitter Error (TXE) flag is asserted.  
The LAN9118 can be programmed to start payload transmission of a buffer on a byte boundary by  
setting the “Data Start Offset” field in the TX command. The “Data Start Offset” field points to the actual  
start of the payload data within the first 8 DWORDs of the buffer. Data before the “Data Start Offset”  
pointer will be ignored. When a packet is split into multiple buffers, each successive buffer may begin  
on any arbitrary byte.  
The LAN9118 can be programmed to strip padding from the end of a transmit packet in the event that  
the end of the packet does not align with the host burst boundary. This feature is necessary when the  
LAN9118 is operating in a system that always performs multi-word bursts. In such cases the LAN9118  
must guarantee that it can accept data in multiples of the Burst length regardless of the actual packet  
length. When configured to do so, the LAN9118 will accept extra data at the end of the packet and will  
remove the extra padding before transmitting the packet. The LAN9118 automatically removes data up  
to the boundary specified in the Buffer End Alignment field specified in each TX command.  
The host can instruct the LAN9118 to issue an interrupt when the buffer has been fully loaded into the  
TX FIFO contained in the LAN9118 and transmitted. This feature is enabled through the TX command  
‘Interrupt on Completion’ field.  
Upon completion of transmission, irrespective of success or failure, the status of the transmission is  
written to the TX status FIFO. TX status is available to the host and may be read using PIO operations.  
An interrupt can be optionally enabled by the host to indicate the availability of a programmable  
number TX status DWORDS.  
Before writing the TX command and payload data to the TX FIFO, the host must check the available  
TX FIFO space by performing a PIO read of the TX_FIFO_INF register. The host must ensure that it  
does not overfill the TX FIFO or the TX Error (TXE) flag will be asserted.  
The host proceeds to write the TX command by first writing TX command ‘A’, then TX command ‘B’.  
After writing the command, the host can then move the payload data into the TX FIFO. TX status  
DWORD’s are stored in the TX status FIFO to be read by the host at a later time upon completion of  
the data transmission onto the wire.  
SMSC LAN9118  
Revision 1.3 (05-31-07)  