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FDC37C669_07 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FDC37C669_07
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内容描述: 98/99 PC兼容的超级I / O软盘控制器,红外支持 [PC 98/99 Compliant Super I/O Floppy Disk Controller with Infrared Support]
分类和应用: 控制器PC
文件页数/大小: 164 页 / 575 K
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A low threshold value (i.e. 2) results in longer  
periods of time between service requests, but  
requires faster servicing of the request for both  
read and write cases. The host reads (writes)  
from (to) the FIFO until empty (full), then the  
transfer request goes inactive. The host must  
be very responsive to the service request. This  
is the desired case for use with a "fast" system.  
DMA Mode - Transfers from the FIFO to the  
The FDC activates the DDRQ pin when the  
FIFO contains (16 - <threshold>) bytes, or the  
last byte of a full sector transfer has been  
placed in the FIFO. The DMA controller must  
respond to the request by reading data from the  
FIFO. The FDC will deactivate the DDRQ pin  
when the FIFO becomes empty. FDRQ goes  
inactive after nDACK goes active for the last  
byte of a data transfer (or on the active edge of  
nIOR, on the last byte, if no edge is present on  
nDACK). A data underrun may occur if FDRQ  
is not removed in time to prevent an unwanted  
A high value of threshold (i.e. 12) is used with a  
"sluggish" system by affording a long latency  
period after a service request, but results in  
more frequent service requests.  
Non-DMA Mode - Transfers from the FIFO to  
the Host  
The FINT pin and RQM bits in the Main Status  
Register are activated when the FIFO contains  
(16-<threshold>) bytes or the last bytes of a full  
sector have been placed in the FIFO. The FINT  
pin can be used for interrupt-driven systems,  
and RQM can be used for polled systems. The  
host must respond to the request by reading  
data from the FIFO. This process is repeated  
until the last byte is transferred out of the FIFO.  
The FDC will deactivate the FINT pin and RQM  
bit when the FIFO becomes empty.  
DMA Mode - Transfers from the Host to the  
The FDC activates the FDRQ pin when entering  
the execution phase of the data transfer  
commands. The DMA controller must respond  
by activating the nDACK and nIOW pins and  
placing data in the FIFO. FDRQ remains active  
until the FIFO becomes full. FDRQ is again set  
true when the FIFO has <threshold> bytes  
remaining in the FIFO. The FDC will also  
deactivate the FDRQ pin when TC becomes true  
(qualified by nDACK), indicating that no more  
data is required. FDRQ goes inactive after  
nDACK goes active for the last byte of a  
data transfer (or on the active edge of nIOW of  
the last byte, if no edge is present on nDACK).  
A data overrun may occur if FDRQ is not  
removed in time to prevent an unwanted cycle.  
Non-DMA Mode - Transfers from the Host to the  
The FINT pin and RQM bit in the Main Status  
Register are activated upon entering the  
execution phase of data transfer commands.  
The host must respond to the request by writing  
data into the FIFO. The FINT pin and RQM bit  
remain true until the FIFO becomes full. They  
are set true again when the FIFO has  
<threshold> bytes remaining in the FIFO. The  
FINT pin will also be deactivated if TC and  
nDACK both go inactive. The FDC enters the  
result phase after the last byte is taken by the  
FDC from the FIFO (i.e. FIFO empty condition).  
Data Transfer Termination  
The FDC supports terminal count explicitly  
through the TC pin and implicitly through the  
underrun/overrun and end-of-track (EOT)  
functions. For full sector transfers, the EOT  
parameter can define the last sector to be  
transferred in a single or multi-sector transfer.  