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FDC37B72X_07 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: FDC37B72X_07
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内容描述: 128引脚增强型超级I / O控制器,支持ACPI [128 Pin Enhanced Super I/O Controller with ACPI Support]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 238 页 / 816 K
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DRQ can be hi Z), and TC and DENSEL become  
active high signals.  
There are three sources of system reset on the  
FDC: the RESET pin of the FDC, a reset  
generated via a bit in the DOR, and a reset  
generated via a bit in the DSR. At power on, a  
Power On Reset initializes the FDC. All resets  
take the FDC out of the power down state.  
PS/2 mode - (IDENT low, MFM high)  
This mode supports the PS/2 models 50/60/80  
configuration and register set. The DMA bit of the  
DOR becomes a "don't care", (FINTR and DRQ  
are always valid), TC and DENSEL become active  
All operations are terminated upon a RESET, and  
the FDC enters an idle state. A reset while a disk  
write is in progress will corrupt the data and CRC.  
Model 30 mode - (IDENT low, MFM low)  
This mode supports PS/2 Model 30 configuration  
and register set. The DMA enable bit of the DOR  
becomes valid (FINTR and DRQ can be hi Z), TC  
is active high and DENSEL is active low.  
On exiting the reset state, various internal  
registers are cleared, including the Configure  
command information, and the FDC waits for a  
new command. Drive polling will start unless  
disabled by a new Configure command.  
DMA transfers are enabled with the Specify  
command and are initiated by the FDC by  
activating the FDRQ pin during a data transfer  
command. The FIFO is enabled directly by  
asserting nDACK and addresses need not be  
RESET Pin (Hardware Reset)  
The RESET pin is a global reset and clears all  
registers except those programmed by the Specify  
command. The DOR reset bit is enabled and  
must be cleared by the host to exit the reset state.  
Note that if the DMA controller (i.e. 8237A) is  
programmed to function in verify mode, a pseudo  
read is performed by the FDC based only on  
nDACK. This mode is only available when the  
FDC has been configured into byte mode (FIFO  
disabled) and is programmed to do a read. With  
the FIFO enabled, the FDC can perform the above  
operation by using the new Verify command; no  
DMA operation is needed.  
DOR Reset vs. DSR Reset (Software Reset)  
These two resets are functionally the same. Both  
will reset the FDC core, which affects drive status  
information and the FIFO circuits. The DSR reset  
clears itself automatically while the DOR reset  
requires the host to manually clear it. DOR reset  
has precedence over the DSR reset. The DOR  
reset is set automatically upon a pin reset. The  
user must manually clear this reset bit in the DOR  
to exit the reset state.  
Two DMA transfer modes are supported for the  
FDC: Single Transfer and Burst Transfer. In the  
case of the single transfer, the DMA Req goes  
active at the start of the DMA cycle, and the DMA  
Req is deasserted after the nDACK. In the case of  
the burst transfer, the Req is held active until the  
last transfer (independent of nDACK). See timing  
diagrams for more information.  
The FDC has three modes of operation, PC/AT  
mode, PS/2 mode and Model 30 mode. These  
are determined by the state of the IDENT and  
MFM bits 3 and 2 respectively of LD8CRF0.  
Burst mode is enabled via Bit[1] of CRF0 in  
Logical Device 0. Setting Bit[1]=0 enables burst  
mode; the default is Bit[1]=1, for non-burst mode.  
PC/AT mode - (IDENT high, MFM a "don't care")  
The PC/AT register set is enabled, the DMA  
enable bit of the DOR becomes valid (FINTR and  