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COM20022I3V-HD 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: COM20022I3V-HD
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内容描述: 10 Mbps的ARCNET ( ANSI 878.1 )控制器2Kx8板载RAM [10 Mbps ARCNET (ANSI 878.1) Controller with 2Kx8 On-Board RAM]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器串行IO控制器通信控制器外围集成电路数据传输局域网时钟
文件页数/大小: 83 页 / 482 K
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10 Mbps ARCNET (ANSI 878.1) Controller with 2Kx8 On-Board RAM  
The ITCEN/RTRG bit has one of two functions, depending on the DMA transfer mode selected. ITCEN is  
the Internal Terminal Counter Enable. It is used to select whether the DMA is terminated by external TC  
only or by either internal or external TC. ITCEN is for Non-Burst or Burst mode. RTRG selects the re-  
trigger mode as either external or internal. It is for the two Programmable-Burst modes.  
The TC8/RSYN/GTTM bit has one of three functions, depending on the DMA transfer mode selected. TC8  
is bit 8 of the Terminal Count. It is the MSB of the 9 bit Terminal Count setting register (the other 8 bits are  
in the DMA Count register). TC8 is for Non-Burst or Burst mode. RSYN is the Refresh Synchronous bit.  
This bit is used to select whether the DMA is started immediately or after Refresh execution. GTTM is the  
Gate Time bit. This bit selects whether the Gate Time is 350nS (min) or 750nS (min). RSYN and GTTM  
are for the two Programmable-Burst modes. RSYN is for External Re-Trigger mode; GTTM is for internal  
Re-Trigger mode.  
Located in the DMA Count Register, the TC7-TC0 /TIM7-TIM0 /CYC7-CYC0 bits have one of three  
functions depending on the DMA transfer mode. TC7-TC0 are for non-burst or burst mode. These are the  
lower 8 bits of the Terminal Count setting register (the MSB is in the Bus Control Register). The TIM7-  
TIM0 bits are for setting the time of the continuous DMA transfer in Programmable-Burst by Timer mode.  
The CYC7-CYC0 bits are for setting the time of the continuous DMA transfer in Programmable-Burst by  
Cycle mode.  
5.1.3 DMA Operation  
The DMA interface operates in one of four transfer modes: Non-Burst, Burst, Programmable-Burst (by  
timer) and Programmable-Burst (by cycle counter). The data transfer mode of the DMA is selected through  
the DMAMD[1,0] bits in the Bus Control register, bits [3,2]. These modes are described below.  
Non-Burst mode is a Single Transfer mode wherein, the DREQ pin is asserted after writing the Address  
Pointer Low Register when DMAEN=1. Actually, DREQ pin is asserted 4TARB time after writing the  
Address Pointer Low Register when DMAEN = 1 (refer to Figure 5.3). This mode operates as follows:  
1) The nDACK pin is asserted by the DMA Controller detecting the DREQ pin asserted.  
2) The DREQ pin is deasserted by the COM20022I 3V detecting the nDACK pin asserted.  
3) The nDACK pin is deasserted by the DMA Controller detecting the DREQ pin deasserted after  
executing the present read or write cycle.  
4) The DREQ pin is asserted by the COM20022I 3V detecting the DACK pin deasserted.  
Repeat above 4 steps until the TC pin goes active. This mode is called "Cycle steal mode".  
Burst mode is a Demand Transfer mode. In this mode, the DREQ pin is asserted after writing the Address  
Pointer Low Register when DMAEN=1. Actually, DREQ pin is asserted 4TARB time after writing the  
Address Pointer Low Register when DMAEN = 1 (refer to Figure 5.3). The DACK pin is asserted by the  
DMA Controller detecting the DREQ pin asserted. The DREQ pin stays asserted until the TC pin goes  
Programmable-Burst mode is a Demand Transfer mode with temporary DREQ deassertion for a Refresh  
cycle. The DREQ pin is asserted after writing the Address Pointer Low Register when DMAEN=1 (refer to  
Figure 5.3). The DACK pin is asserted by the DMA Controller detecting the DREQ pin asserted. If the  
continous DMA operation time is longer than the set Refresh period, then DREQ is deasserted. The DREQ  
is held deasserted after negating nDACK for the Gate time. After the Gate time, the DREQ pin is asserted  
again. The DREQ pin stays asserted until the TC pin goes High. In Programmable-Burst mode, the gating  
can be by timer or by cycle counter.  
Revision 02-27-06  
Page 20  
SMSC COM20022I 3V  